Type couldn't continue counting when Gulf opened the door. he didn't even open it fully but he Peeked behind the door.

"M-mama? is there a problem?" Gulf's calm and weakly asking his Mama was obviously just waking up.

Gulf opened the door wide and ushered us inside. Gulf sat quietly on the bed and he couldn't look straight at us. he just bent down and played with the ring on his finger.

I helped Type sit in the chair in front of Gulf's bed and I just stood next to him.

"Now speak up, what is wrong with you? we can't even guess to find out what's happening to you. we are just your parents and not fortune tellers like in Quaipo." Type's tone is still tinged with anger. we were surprised when Gulf suddenly started crying.

"I-i'm S-sorry M-mama, D-Dada... I-i j-just...." Then he cried evenmore. I'm sorry because I'm like this. I know you are all worried about me. but I didn't like it either. sorry Mama and Dada because I let you down. I said I would just study hard, but I didn’t." He said while he sobbing

" i don't understand what you're saying Gulf, if you fail school, that's okay. because we know you can still make up for it and we won't be angry with you for that. but you know we will be angry with you because you did not tell us your problems. You know we're just here to help you, don't you?"

"B- but Mama that's not what I mean." Gulf looked at me and his mom. "I-I'm pregnant. it's been a single month." He said as he closed his eyes and while crying.

Type let go of the baseball Bat he was holding in shock. which also surprised Gulf. I was also shocked by what he said.

"I-im s-sorry. Mama, and Dada. I-i knew I was young and should be studying. but I didn't know it would be like this. I didn't know I could get pregnant too." He said.

Type suddenly stood up from his seat and leaned over Gulf and hugged him. Gulf immediately hugged and buried his face in Type's neck.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry because I lied. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I am afraid of you because I know you will be angry at me." Type caressed Gulf's back.

"Shh... don't cry my Son, Mama and Dada are just here for you. Hmmm. Always remember that." Type said.

"now tell me, who is the father of your little bean?" I said. Gulf looked at me but immediately bowed and shook his head. It's obvious that he is scared at me. And he didn't want to admit who is the father.

"does that mean Gulf you can't just hide from that father that he has a child."

I don't know but I'm in tears. I just remember what Type and I went through back then that he almost hid my children from me. I immediately wiped it and knelt before him.

"D-Dada, w-we are separated. and h-he doesn't need to know that he will be a father because he already has a g-girlfriend." he said as he continued to cry.

I touched his cheek, and with my finger I wiped his tears. he's not showy and close to me but he knows he needs me too.

"D-dada I'm s-sorry. sorry if I disappointed you all." I shook and smile.

"you don't have to apologize. You know how we love you so much, right? I'm just sad because you chose not to let us know what you're carrying rather than telling us what it is, right? you know your Mama is pregnant too and he can't be stressed either, now, tell me, who got you pregnant. because you wouldn’t like it when I searched myself. You know that don't you?"

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