Three ... Little ... Dots ...

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                                          To: 678-136-7092
                                          You know, after
                                          meeting you...I
                                          think I prefer the
                                            Rae x

Almost as though he had been waiting impatiently on her message, Chris began replying in an instant.  Three little dots appeared, indicating that he was typing a message back.

Jo's hand reached out and gripped Rae's, "holy fuck." She whispered. Her posh English accent ever so slightly slipping into Scots.

From: 678-136-7092
You do know that
you are spelling

Rae inhaled aggressively.  What the actual fucking fuck.  She looked at Jo, who looked like she might combust.
"Rae...I think it might be him."
"I think you might be right."

The three little typing dots appeared again, both girls gasped shrilly as they waited impatiently for the message.
The dots stopped.
Seconds passed.
Then a minute passed.
The dots started again.
Then stopped.
The girls looked at one another the tense silence between them filling the carriage.

From: 678-136-7092
I have to go back to
the movie. Forgive me
for being forward, but
if you are still outside
meet me for an honest


"I know..."

"Rae Culloch..."

"I KNOW!" Rae thrusts the phone under her leg, "what do I do?" Her heart races. Not only because he was a celebrity, or that he is the most incredibly handsome man she had ever laid eyes on, but because he was a just a man interested in her. And she didn't let that happen often.
Inhaling sharply she began typing. Doing what she done best, masking her deep rooted insecurities with confidence and humour.

Sorry, met a guy with
A fantasticallydecorated
top lip. On my wayhome.
Take care.

Jo nodded having read the reply over Rae's shoulder, "it's probably for the best." Assuming that the conversation will now be over, and he'll go back to forgetting all about her, and they'll always have this memory between them. Another one to giggle about in ten years.


Those ominous three dots appear again. The two girls glance at each other, holding their breath.

From: 678-136-7092
If he lets you down
or shaves it off, I'm
staying at The Corinthia.
Under the name Scott

Rae didn't reply. There wasn't anything she could say. Unable to imagine herself climbing the stairs to some fancy hotel to have a one night stand.
She was here to spend time with Jo, their friendship had been so lost over the years what with life getting in the way.

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