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My family is a complicated bunch & after the wars we became very cautious about who would know what about our personal matters, we decided we would leave the Lords out of any events beside Dragon Day, merely receiving letters from my Aunt who rules North Vanity of any information or approvals the King has for them to protect our portrayal to the civilians as well as anybody from recognizing any weakness, we believed family only needed to be in on that.

The Ruler of all Four kingdoms was King Reed Firestone III, father of Prince Harry & my uncle & the most passive aggressive man you'd ever meet, his wife Queen Lina Firestone(previously Clint) was a prissy rich girl who spent most of her life in Throne City when they met so it did not surprise me she stuck her claws in him when she realized he was the previous King's only son. He also had a daughter Princess Rema Firestone who stuck her nose up at me each time we met.

North Vanity was ruled by my great-aunt, Princess Heir Firestone who lost her husband a few years ago. My cousins Princess Reign Firestone & Prince Rel Firestone were her children & they were just 2 years older than me so we got along well.

East Vanity is ruled by Prince Regal Stormfire— his father was a Lord but after the wars appointed by the New King at the time to rule the East, they were one of the few families in Vanity that possessed magic at the time as well. Prince Regal married My Older sister Princess Helena Firestone & we don't really get along because she disagrees with my will to be a warrior as do my mother but it's not stopping me anyways. They had a son around my age, Prince Ronan Stormfire.

After the war against the ice witches South Vanity had no survivors on the land so that side of my family is extinct, which leaves just West Vanity. My father is Prince Roman Firestone & my mother Princess Hemmy Firestone ruled over the west graciously for 200 years before my birth.

Though my countless begging to become a fire knight was declined on multiple occasions I taught myself how to fight by watching the Fire Knights practice on the training grounds— soon I was able to convince one of them to give me a sword & after years of observing I was able to at least defend myself from any harm as long as I had my sword around at least.

I glare at the red dress & sigh heavily, I absolutely did not want to attend Flame Week but because I spent the last ten years ditching because of an incident with Ronan my mother said has been torturing me for not showing my face to anybody. I really just preferred being alone, I did not have any hard feelings or bitterness I simply did not want to be around anybody. Even my cousin Rel got the cold shoulder, it was nothing personal, this is how I deal with my failures.

End of POV

"Hera hurry up & pack for Flame or we will be late!" Hemmy yells from behind the door. Hera rolls her eyes at the statement, Flame was a week-long event at the main estate in Torch City held by none other than the King himself. "Yes I know mother, I am coming!" She drags her bags through the door but they are quickly taken out of her hands by the guards.

Roman smiles at her, "You look like you hate everything." He glares at his casual outfit & she giggles, "No what? I am thrilled." She says sarcastically as she twirls her blonde hair. "Well I know what will make that statement a reality, you will be representing us in the flame games." He says. Hera's eyes widen as well as her mother's who stomps closer toward them, "You mean the sword fight all of her male cousins partake in?" Her mother furrows her eyebrows.

"Oh come on I saw her fight one of the fire knights. She is more than capable & as you can see we have no sons to represent our family & we are left out every year so it always ends up being won by Harry Firestone." He complains. "If she wants to kick some dirt at the event, who am I to continuously stop her?" He asks. Her mother mumbles words & rolls her eyes, "Fine you always let her get her way, don't come crying to me if your cousins show you no mercy." She states.

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