Episode 20 - Tumbling

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There was no akumatized victim this time. Scarlet Moth himself was out on the streets, vowing if you truly wanted something done, you had to do it yourself. He was sick on relying on other people. No one could ever accomplish his goals.

He had pretended to kidnap Lila and was 'holding her hostage' on the Eifel Tower. It was only bait. He needed to draw Ladybug and Chat Noir out.

And just as he predicted, they came running to save the damsel in distress.

"Hawkmoth," Chat Noir said, "What's the occasion? You're not usually out in public like this."

Scarlet Moth grinned. "I'm done playing games. You're fighting for your lives as well as your miraculouses." His voice was threatening and malicious, but Ladybug wasn't afraid.

He struck first, attacking them with his staff. Not only did they have to avoid his blows, but also his Centi monster, which was in the shape of a purple wasp. It was too similar to the monster that had attacked Master Fu all that time ago.

"Die!" Scarlet Moth shouted, lunging for Ladybug while she was preoccupied dodging the Centi monster. She spun around at the perfectly wrong time and his pointy staff plunged into her gut.

"Ladybug!" screamed Chat, but it was too late. Blood gushed from the wound. Her head spun. She fell to the floor, completely at Scarlet Moth's mercy. Chat Noir attempted to reach her, but the Centi monster snatched him by the legs; he was left fighting for his life before he could ever get to her.

It could only be described as a miracle that Vex intervened right before Scarlet Moth delivered the fatal blow. She whimpered, trying to move but finding the pain too great. Her hand, gently fingering the wound, was covered in blood. It ran down her hips and pooled on the floor until she could practically swim in it.

Vex body slammed into Scarlet Moth. If the blood they shared had ever inspired any feelings for his uncle, they were all gone now. After what he'd done to Marinette, Felix would feel no remorse killing him.

Vex and his uncle battled all the way to the edge of the tower. Felix clawed at him, creating several wounds, but they were all flesh wounds. None of them were as severe as what he'd done to Marinette.

Scarlet Moth suddenly remembered the power he possessed over his nephew. Although it was difficult to conjure under such pressing circumstances, he managed.

Felix froze, his face turning red with Scarlet Moth's power. Moth shaped light framed his face.

"I own you, Felix," Scarlet Moth reminded him. "You're my weapon. Now do your job and finish off Ladybug."

Felix, fighting his uncle's power every step of the way, slowly approached Marinette. She could no longer sit up, bleeding out faster and faster. Her eyes were half closed.

"Felix..." she breathed. Just saying that was a strain but it was well worth it. Just hearing her fading voice abruptly returned Felix to his senses. He spun around and with all his strength, threw himself at Scarlet Moth.

They both went tumbling off the Eifel Tower.

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