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(mention of sarcastic suicide, f slur)
Robins POV:
"roooOoobin!!! I love youuuuu!" Finney said. He had slurred speech and was holding onto my shirt as my walking dragged him around.

I would assume no one would care, well except that one kid was at the party.

"Get you and your fag boyfriend out of here!" I hear behind me. Shit, did Finney give it away?

I turned around and

Just Matty being Matty.

"Shut the fuck up asshole" I say as I push Finney into a normal stance.

"Oh but he loves you Robin!!" He says giving himself a lovey-gross voice. I swear if that's how straight people talk to their dates I would kill my self. Really!

"You're not one to talk Matty" Finney said with some real weird speech.

"Finney. Stop. We talked about this" Matty said.

Wtf is this bitch hiding? Is Matty gay?!

"I saw youuuu" Finneys pointer finger ran into his chest. "texting buzz!"

Matty's face calmed down. "What did he text?" I asked seriously confused. I gues I shouldn't of said that because Matty immediately took Finney from our hand holding and had him pinned against a wall.

"Shut your god damn mouth fag!" Which made more people come over. I went to go so him what's up but behind I could grab his shirt some girl threw a punch straight at the back of Matty's head.

"Fucking cock sucking coward!"

Gwen? Gwen!

Matty was on the floor as Finney was laughing. He was so drunk, so was Gwen, but not drunk enough to not be able to throw a punch.

"Gwen! Stop!" I heard Vance say as she pushed her. Vance on the other hand got a face full of Moose's hand.

"Calm down guys stop!" Here come Griffin and Bruce.

"KICK HIS ASS VANCE!" I hear and see Billy.

I didn't know they were all here.

I knew if I wasn't going to do anything, no one else would.

I grabbed Moose by the hair and held in my urge to slam my fist right into his ugly face. Vance was being held by Bruce. Almost as if Bruce's hands were handcuffs for him.

"Guys we're leaving now!"
Griffin said rushing and pushing the group holding Vance's keys. "This is my fucking house!!" Bruce exclaimed

"Then stay!" Billy yelled.
"We gotta make sure Finney okay" I said, it was my number one concern at the moment.


"oh- okay" Bruce said as people rushed out the door.

"Cmon let's go!" Billy said as Finney was in my arms. He looked like he was snoring. How can he sleep through all this chaos?!?
As we got home Gwen crashed almost immediately. Sleeping on my couch, Finney on the other hand was getting on my nerves.

The amount of times he almost kissed me is just- TOO MUCH.

"Hey I'm going to try and brush Finn's teeth cause his breath smells like actual shit." I say holding his hand.


As I opened the bathroom door it was really just a excuse to kiss him. It had been hours of him trying and me wanting to, I might as well let him.

I slipped my tongue in which made him gasp quietly I put my hands-

"What's going on in here?!?"

"Just.. brushing his teeth..?"

Holy mother of god that was close.
With Finney and Gwen slumped on the couch, me, Billy, and griffin on pallets, Vance and Bruce on opposite couch chairs, we eventually all slept.

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