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I walked outside with Gwen and felt a warm breeze with the sound of leaves falling from trees. It smelt like leaves too. I put in my ear buds and we made our way to the house.
"You go ahead I'm gonna go get something real quick" I say to Gwen as she walks in. I didn't need anything actually I just felt my stomach in my throat. Once I calmed down I went inside.

"There he is!"  I hear someone say. It was Bruce, he was talking to Gwen, asking where I was.

"Glad you made it man!"
"Yea, yea of course"

We spoke for a while but Bruce left after he saw this one guy walk in. If there was one word to define him, it was muscles. I've seen him at the local gas station. I thought Bruce was drunk as when he went to go towards him he was swaying but I didn't do anything.

"vaaaaaaance!" I heard Bruce say. That's how I know him! He got arrested that one time and he got pissed when I grabbed the door!

Shit, he got arrested and got pissed at me. I hope he isn't anymore.

I turned to Gwen but she was already gone in a crowd. I saw a tower of red solo cups. I might as well try it, I'm in Highschool.
I hear as I sway. I feel two arms hold my hips still. I tilt my head back onto whoever's shoulder it was and I felt hair. Long hair. Yet still taller than me?

I tilt my head to the side to actually see who it is. It was Robin.

"Robin!" I say with a empty cup in my hand that I'm over flowing.

"Slow down chico guapo" He said grabbing my hand holding the drink and moving it to quit the spill.

Drunk me still didn't ask what it meant. It was like that nickname haunted me. What did it mean???

I turn back to the crowd that was still full of phones and people moving, jumping, ect..

I looked down at my full to the brim red solo cup, then to Robin. I felt as if his eyes were staring I to my soul. I turn back and drink the cup as quick as I could.

The crowd yelling chug once again. I drank it swiftly with two drops rolling down my cheeks.

I wipe them with a finger and slam the cup down. "WOOOO!! THATS MY BROTHER!!" I heard faintly from the screams of other people cheering me on.

I felt my leg trip on the other as I forgot Robin was still holding my hips.

"Woah, Finn, slow down" I heard him say as we exited the group of people. I could hear Gwen chugging taking on against my time as I exited.

I probably fell 6 times if it wasn't for Robins soft hands holding my hips. It would've probably been weird to me if I wasn't drunk as fuck.

He grabbed my hand. "Finn come on" I felt my arm dragging my body toward the dining room. He sat me down at the table. The crowd of people still surrounded the island in the kitchen.

"Am I going to have to take you home?" He said. "NoO." I say sounding hella fucking dumb. Robin leaned back in his chair and slid his hands down his face.

He looked at his watch. It was like 12:48 ish. I had been there for about 2-4 hours.

"Stay here let me find your sister" Robin said. I would've listened to him..
If I wasn't drunk.

As I felt his present out of the dining room I got up and started just like playing with shit. I opened Bruce's hutch and just started playing with the glass plates.

Once Robin came back, no glass was broken (luckily) but, there was like 3 piles of vomit. "oh my goooood" I heard him groan with his hand around Gwen's wrist. He grabbed mine.
Robins Point of View:
I should've taken them to their house. But they were so fucking drunk. Especially Gwen. Finney atleast threw up a few times, Gwen just got back from chugging a ton of shit.

I opened the door and I hoped my mom was still awake.

"Momma?" I whispered with the cream of her door open. "Sí baby?" She said.

"My two friends, they uh, needed a place to stay for the night. I'll sleep in the guest room and they can stay in my bed if you're okay"

"Alright baby go to sleep I love you"
"I love you too mama"
I set Gwen down on my bed at set the covers over her. Finney was sat zonked out on my chair. I put my hands under his legs and head and picked him up. "robinnn" He said in a quite raspy voice.

"shhh, go back to sleep" I replied. "robin! robin! I love youuuuuuu!" He whispered. "kiss! kiss! kiss!" He went on about. He just drunk is what i kept telling myself. I tried to ignore it and I went to bed.
I could barely sleep.

I felt bad leaving them in there all alone not knowing where they were. Especially Finney. I hope the hangover for him won't be so bad he forgets my house.

The last thing I want is him thinking he got taken away. I just hope I wake up first.
The guilt piled on me. I shouldn't leave them their. I grabbed the pillow and a blanket and made my way to my room.

I set it on my carpet and finished my sleep.
Finneys point of view:
I woke up in an unfamiliar-familiar room. I turned and saw- Gwen? Where am I? Am I still at Bruce's?

I got up and saw-
Ohhh! I'm back at Robins house.

pretty boy / rinneyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu