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"Bye Gwen, love you" I gave her a kiss to the forehead and began walking down the porch stairs again.

She's probably a little to old for me to keep kissing her forehead at night but any price of my childhood I can keep, I'll keep it.

I got down the steps and began walking with Robin. We were talking, but my dumbass was only thinking about this morning.

I mean not him shirtless- just him say girls and gays.

So of course my dumbass had to bring it up. In the worst way possible of course.

"Are you gay?" i honestly hate myself. Stupid question stupid time. I hate myself for asking this. It's going to be awkward. I don't want to be here. I wish Gwen told me to go home with her-

"Yeah? I thought you knew?" He said. "I was outed like last month..?" He was saying like it would ring a bell.


"OHHH!" He said laughing.

"Yeah I'm gay, that's why I was confused when you didn't understand my joke with Gwen the other day. Probably should've told you correctly"

At least I know now.
"How'd you get outed?" I asked. "bitch named matty"

"Well, how?"

"He's a bitch. What more do you need to know?" He was getting sensitive so I dropped it.
About three minutes went by.
"He over heard me tell Vance at a party and he told everyone there yelling in a microphone" he mumbled fast.

"He over heard me-"
"No I heard who but that's so fucking douche-y!" I said.

"Im really sorry"

"No you're Fine. It's over now. Im Just known as that one kid that's popular because I can fight, but also happens to be gay so not popular-popular if you know what I mean"

"Yeah, yeah I get it."
I say. The walk went quite again. Just for a moment though.

"How about you, are you at all queer?" He said. "Why, do I look like it?" I say. "Very much"

"Hey!" We laughed but it was obvious he wanted an answer.

Somewhat queer"
I looked over at him. "Okay okay" he said awkwardly. He was definitely hiding some emotion I just didn't know which.

"But you never answered my question" I said. He looked at me again. "Why'd you ask?"

"I uhh.." he stuttered. "Can I tell you tomorrow? I just don't want Vance and them to like uhh.. you know.."

I knew it.


"I'm sorry Finney. I don't know why I feel this way" He seemed heartbroken.

"Well, I don't know why I feel like that either" I say hoping he would catch on.

"Im glad we feel the same way" I say still walking normal waiting for him to understand.

"I- I don't think you understand..?
Finney.. I like-like you.." this bitch tryna act emo.

"Glad we feel the same way" I still haven't 'broken character'.

"Wait? Like.. I'm so confused" he said.

"I think this'll help" I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss..

pretty boy / rinneyWhere stories live. Discover now