GLM 48

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After reconciling, Allure and Char decided to do Lunch to further catch up. They met at Yard Bird— a Dallas favorite, and got a cute table away from everybody else. Allure ran a little late due to a wardrobe malfunction, but still made it in good timing.

"I thought your boyfriend lived around this area? I got dressed super fast cause I thought you were gonna beat me here." Char announced as she unwrapped her silverware and dug into her appetizer, she oddly chose the chicken tortilla soup.

"I came here from my house." Allure announced before she took a sip of her lemon drop to push out what she was about to announce, "I don't have a boyfriend anymore."

Char let out a loud obnoxious gasp, causing Allure to kiss her teeth before letting out a light chuckle. "Char."

"My bad, but what happened?" Char questioned as she mixed around her soup, Allure shrugged taking a bite from her biscuit. "Guess he woke up one day with new feelings."

Allure wasn't super sad about it anymore, at this point she realized the only thing she could do was heal the wound herself. Moo was making it pretty easy with 0 communication, he wasn't even watching her instagram stories—Allure realized she could only take it for what it was and do herself a favor by not waiting on him to realize he was fucking up.

If Moo was disrespecting her right under her nose, there was no telling what he'd do once he got more famous and started going on tours.

"You know every loss ain't a loss." Char spoke, it immediately reminded her of when Kyren said it. They both said it in the same tone.

"You know I ain't care for his ass, but I'm sorry to hear that—I know you really loved him." Char added, Allure shrugged. "Everything happens for a reason, I'm starting to think that reason was for me to run across mama."

Char's eyes widened, "Run across mama?"

"Oh yeah, while we were into it I went to Mexico with Musik and mama was there—she's been there this whole time." Allure explained, she was happy to be finally sharing this information with her sister. She felt like this was the last step in healing.

"Fuck is she doing in Mexico?" Char questioned as her tinted eyebrows furrowed together, "She's married to a kingpin down there—well she was, he told me he left her for how she treated me when we crossed paths." Allure spoke as she poked at her ceaser salad.

"What happened?" Char asked, "Girl that lady acted like she didn't know me, whole time got both of our birthdays on her wrist. I can't deny she didn't look good though, you'd never guess she was a crackhead—but fuck her."

"Wow." Is all Char managed to push out, "so I guess Micky mouse was working for her husband?" She added, Allure chuckled at the purposeful mispronunciation of Musik's name.

"Yeah." Allure nodded her head, "He's a really nice guy, I'll let you speak to him if you want." She added.

Char shook her head no, "I'm fine, I'm not that 13 year old that needs closure anymore."

Allure nodded her head, completely understanding where her sister was coming from. It felt good to be back in a good space with her sister. Char was right, they couldn't take back their fight—all they could do was move forward as sisters. That wasn't the first or last fight they'd have. But the love would never change.

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