Rules and Guidance!

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Welcome! I am planning on posting this they day before October! If I remember- last year Ally made a SteveTober series were we could write and vote one shots that we have made! I liked the idea and decided I want to make one for this year! Of course it will be different with diff ent prompts and rules but I wanted mine to be more laid back since it is a pain writing every single day.

There are a few rules and a few things you need to know.

One: You do not have to write everyday. The prompts are just for fun and if you can't think of anything that's fine! You can skip days.

Two: all prompts should be Sabre's series based, it can be his Steve's series or his Assassins Creeds, Crafting Dead, Trapped, it's so the prompts can be more open! Just list the world where the world takes place.

Three: use Oc's! It's hard to not use Oc's in these prompts so use them however you like! It would be nice to have a small description to who they are and where they are from.

Four: au's should definitely be used! Just add a shirt description for them! It can be anything you want. Just as long as the reader has the understanding of the au.

Five: make sure to at me! I want to read your stuff! ;-; it helps me get creative and stuff-

Five: If your story is mature (like swearing, adult context or anything not kid friendly) please remind the reader so they can feel safe reading your stuff.

Six: you can totally use these prompts for your fanfics! You can use your fanfics as Aus! I might even add lore to some of the prompts I write!

That's all I have for the rules, I will be posting each day starting in October 1. I will be having own stories when I feel inspired. I will also write ahead so yes I am cheating a little.

You can make your own books for the prompts or just use a random crap book. (Most of us have one)

Last thing- if you are a writer and an Artist and really like one of the prompts you can try to draw it instead of write if that suits you more,

Have fun and I can't wait to see what you have made!

SabreTober (Inspirsed by Ally from her contest last year)Where stories live. Discover now