Reaching over for her smokes and lighter, the both of you taking advantage of the silence and deciding to take a smoke break.


Katya finally decided to break the quiet streak, obviously much more intoxicated than during your first talk. "Staying away from you was hard." She slurred. You pursed your lips slightly as you stared at her, completely dazed. You nodded, humming in agreement before breaking out into a giddy smirk. She reached forward, smiling wildly, and grabbed your arm shaking back and forth as you watched her carefully, grinning in complete admiration. She scrunched her face up as she laughed, looking back down at the road as she recovered. "Your pussy too." She chuckled gravelly glancing over at you. Katya was obviously feeling the effects of the drugs at this point, as were you, the both of you being extremely giggly and the energy only increasing.

You smirked, snorting out a quick laugh. "I missed yours too mom." You giggled.

"Your fucking disgusting." She added with a scoff, shaking her head as you continue to laugh obnoxiously.

Her face relaxed but she continued to stare at you as you smirked, your own expression settling slightly. You held her eye contact intently, completely content just staring at her whilst she felt like looking at you still.

Sighing, Katya turned away with a gentle smile. "Ugh... I need to get out of this drag." The blonde uttered, still grinning contently.

"Last time I heard that we were about to fuck..." you hummed, giddily.

"Fuck baby, I need to get out of all this drag.. my dicks aching." She mumbled. You sighed obnoxiously loud as she crawled off of you rushing to rip her wig off and walking into the bathroom to start undressing.

Katya nodded quickly, turning her head back to face you. "You've been fucking and sucking this whole time, but I haven't had sex in 3 months- you realize what that can do to a gal?" Katya scoffed, pursing her lips and furrowing her brows as she questioned you teasingly.

You couldn't help but burst out laughing, reaching forward to grab Katya's thigh. "I'm sorry your pussy's being neglected, baby." You frowned sarcastically, pretending to pout your bottom lip with sympathy. Katya licked her tongue over her pearly white teeth before standing abruptly, causing you to jump slightly.

Your gaze flicked up to meet hers as she stood in front of the bench, attempting to suppress an smile. Hand shooting forward, you held tightly onto her hip, taking on a more serious expression as a way to let her know you didn't want her to leave.

You wanted to tell her how none of the sex you had had compared to her, and all about the distraction it had become from your reality, but you resisted yourself.

The sun had already began to set and an orangey glow overcame the surrounding buildings and ran beautifully over Katya's sharp features.

Katya's lips parted as though she was going to speak, but instead she only sighed. She paused, looking around the area in a way that seemed as if she was searching for something. "I'm gonna try and get myself home, I think you should do the same." She stated, flashing you a tight lipped smile before once again wandering off down the sidewalk, not quite giving you enough time to react.

You had half expected her to invite you back to her apartment and in all honesty she'd expected to end up doing the same, but you both resisted. Katya left you sitting on that bench with a smile on your face, the drug fuelled happiness keeping the both of your tears at bay, though you were sure both you and her knew how fake that bliss was.

Same Game: Different Devils - Katya Zamolodchikova x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now