"Daydreaming again?"

She rolls her eyes. "Have you seen Chaeyoung?"

Momo nods. "She's with Mina." She sits on her chair and rotates it to face her. "Are you skipping lunch again?" She raises her eyebrows looking at the empty cans of red bull on her table.

"I will eat later. I texted Tzuyu." She informs her friend nervously. "I will ask her to date me."

"Are you being serious?" Momo pulls herself, moving closer to her, until their knees touch. "Will you really date Tzuyu? You won't fake it anymore?"

She nods slowly. Somewhat she looks unsure.

Momo has seen this coming. She saw how smitten Sana was with Tzuyu before they drifted apart. She's undeniably attracted to the engineer. Everyone could see it except them, Tzuyu and her.

"How about her sister?"

"I will not date her sister."

"How will you deal with her?"

"I will treat Tzuyu nicely so I don't have to deal with her and her cousin."

Momo gulps. Sana is obviously talking about Nayeon. She hasn't told anyone that she and Nayeon exchange messages frequently. They already know each other's favorite food, they even planned to eat peking duck next week.

She agrees absentmindedly. "Be nice."

"Do you think she will agree?"

What a dumb question? Momo doesn't know how someone could be smart and so dumb at the same time?

"I think Tzuyu feels the same." She says, irritated. This push and pull has been going for too long.

"What do you mean?"

"Tzuyu likes you. Romantically."

"Please. Don't feed me with that nonsense." She pushes Momo's chair and rotates her chair away from her friend. "She doesn't."

"You are so—"

"What's up? What's up?" Jihyo appears in their empty office. "Any news?"

"Read the newspaper." Sana banters. "Are you talking to Nayeon?"

"Yeah. We're friends." She shrugs. "Tzuyu's sister left already, also I heard she's meeting an employee. Jeongyeon doesn't take my warning seriously."

"Why do you hate her? Jeongyeon is nice and funny." Sana asks curiously. "She's also single."

"I want Nayeon to date to marry. Jeongyeon doesn't like commitment, she plays with people a lot. She doesn't take relationships seriously." Her eyes fall on the empty cans of red bull beside the computer. "Are you drinking that much?"

"Jeongyeon is not that bad." Finally she grabs all the cans and throws them in the small trash bin beside her desk.

"You don't know her personally."

"Do you used to date?" Momo asks.

"Oh please." Jihyo's face contorts in disgust. "I would never touch that woman."

"I stopped talking to Nayeon."

Oh this is drama. Jeongyeon enters the office carrying blueprints.

"Hi, Jeong." Sana and Momo greet the engineer in unison.

"You better."

"I didn't sleep with your sister. You know I'd never—"

"You slept with Amy?!" Sana asks in awe. "She's only–"

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