Chapter 10 - Labyrinth Of Fears

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"They are protecting something! Of course!"

"Protecting something? What's so important for them to be that overprotective?" The grey bean Zipper involved himself into the ongoing conversation.

Saros turned around to look at Zipper and Berry behind him. He could clearly see their puzzled expressions. But for some reason, the wizard couldn't find an answer and remained silent. His visor moved down, he looked to the ground and kept thinking for an answer.

"The material", Saros then whispered. "The stone, Zipper. The stone. The reason of why we are here. That must be it."

"Hm, smart thinking", Berry admitted. "But are you truly sure that's the reason? Just to protect those stones which we found?"

With that, picked Saros one piece of the stone which he carried with him from his jacket pocket out and held it up. A weird glow was seen on it, an orange kind of glow. A pulse. Curiously looked Saros down to it and asked himself why it was glowing.

"This material is still a mystery for us, Berry. Maybe there's much more behind this stone, something more powerful." Another idea got into Saros's head as he was looking at the material in his claws. Suddenly, an unclear vision tried to go through him again, he shook it off out of reflex.

Berry and Zipper became insecure if they should trust Saros's words or not.

"Berry, try to contact Captain Pitch, I need to tell him that information." Saros ordered.

Down the mysterious spaceship went Flash and Shepp along the corridors. Nothing did happen on their side since they split up the group. It was way too quiet for their taste. Shepp looked around and noticed more and more dirt, anywhere he looked at. He got quite disgusted over it the more he saw. He couldn't even tell on which part of the spaceship they were. Until a giant navigation table made its appearance in front of the explorers. Red hologram lights were seen on it, from out the distance assumed Shepp and Flash that this could be a map. They went slowly to the table, and they couldn't believe how big the spaceship was.

"That's a big map, I must admit", It was Flash who admitted it first. "Shepp, look over here, those two dots must be us."

The yellow member pointed at a part of the map where two moving dots were seen. Two dots who stood on a giant rounded navigation table.

"Seems like we are in their navigation-rooms." Shepp said but confused of what the rest of the room was designed for. It looked way different than the Blackcrow's navigation-rooms and the bridge in one.

After a short nod answered Flash: "It does seem quite unusual, if you ask me. But that's not why we are here."

"Aye, Flash. But something in here -" Shepp couldn't finish his sentence as he looked around once again. Weird looking visors appeared suddenly on the ceilings, and he gasped out of fright. He was terrified. To the point, where he fell backwards out of surprise. He didn't expect glowing visors to look down at him as he moved his head around. Flash tried to catch him, but he fell to the cold ground anyway.

"Shepp?!" Flash was worried about his orange friend after he fell. He didn't really understand why he gasped out of fright. Suddenly, before Flash could help his friend out, something on the navigation-table seemed to move. The map was changing on his own! The yellow bean shook confused his head and studied the new map. But he couldn't understand a single thing. The map seemed to be like a labyrinth now. A crazy one too. There was way too many corridors and hallways and tiny rooms shown on it. Flash lost his orientation and went himself back to Shepp to help him out instead. As he helped him to stay up, heard the explorers someone humming in the background. A calm, yet deep voice, humming a calm melody.

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