Rainy Days are Sick

184 8 3

Request made by: _Anisdumd_

(Yoooo, A rainy afternoon with a side of sick day? Count me in bruh!)
(You have no idea how much I needed a simple write to just show a bunch of unnecessary fluff cause let's face it, we need some wholesomeness in our lives!)

"How did this happen?" I asked Randy, sighing as I shook my head slightly.

Randy and Howard just awkwardly laughed, the two of them standing at the doorway with their clothes completely soaked.
Water dripped from their clothes as they both tried to figure out what accuse to give me.

"Um... We might have gotten a bit carried away," Randy laughed.
"And how is it you two got carried away enough to look as if you completely submerged yourselves in water?" I questioned him, crossing my arms as I waited for his response.

"Uh... So uh... Ok, it's gonna sound dumb but me and Howard got bored and we just thought it would be fun to mess around outside in the rain. But we kinda underestimated how much it would rain later," He explained, awkwardly smiling.
"I mean it was kinda hilarious when he fell face-first in that puddle," Howard snickered.

I sighed as I facepalmed my face.

"You know you two are going to get sick after this, right?" I pointed out.
"Naaaah, We've got the immune system of Gods!" Howard claimed proudly.
"I'ma walk home, you have fun dealing with Momicon~," Howard added, whispering his comment to Randy as he tried to hold back his laughter.

Howard ran off into the rain, embracing the cold rain as if he was built for it.

Randy, on the other hand, stepped inside, closing the door behind him as he tried not to get the floor covered in water. He slipped off his shoes with his socks practically soaked, his shoes slightly filled with water.

Even though he had his hoodie on, it didn't do anything to protect him from getting wet. He looked like he had taken a shower in his clothes.
His hair and clothes have droplets falling onto the tile floor.

Once I retrieved a towel, I tossed it over his face and tried my best to dry his very damp hair.

"Haha, That tickles," He laughed.
"Next time, take an umbrella with you," I sighed.
"Alright, I'll try to remember but I should be fine, I don't feel sick," Randy grinned.
"Not yet," I mumbled.
"Don't worry, I'm all good," He smiled softly.

He's enjoying this way too much.

"Get dressed in dry clothes before you start getting cold," I said.
"Haha, Alright, alright... can I get a kiss?" He asked abruptly.
"Dry clothes first," I insisted, attempting to hide that my face was turning slightly red from his comment.
"Awe, fiiiine," He sighed, a grin still on his face.

He rushed upstairs to quickly get dressed. My ultimatum worked since he was admitted to getting dressed quickly.

I waited for him downstairs on the couch, hoping that he hadn't been out in the cold long enough to be sick. He didn't look sick yet but I can't confirm his not sick by simply looking at him.

I have no idea what made him think running around in the rain with no thick layers of clothing was a good idea. I swear, sometimes I wonder if Howard and Randy share a single brain cell or something.

"I'm back!" Randy exclaimed as he ran downstairs to make his way to my side.
"Can I get my kiss now?" He asked again.
"I suppose," I sighed.

He hopped on the couch beside me and held me close. Kissing me happily which made me think he was part dog with how he was behaving.
Even though I was annoyed with how he went and got himself drenched in water; he knows exactly how to make me forget why I was annoyed, to begin with.

"I hope that this will be the last time you'll go out and get caught in the rain," I stated.
"I might not be able to promise that," He laughed.
"Well, I hope you'll at least bring a jacket with you," I said.
"I had a jacket," He said.

"Your hoodie doesn't count, that thing didn't do anything," I pointed out.
"But it's my favorite," He mumbled.
"Then how about you start making a raincoat your new favorite,"
"Nuh Uh," He said as he shook his head.

"You are making this more difficult than it has to be," I sighed.
"But ya still love me~," He smirked.
"...Yes, I do," I mumbled.

Again he easily gets away with things.


I woke up the next morning to my nagging alarm clock and instantly felt awful. My nose was stuffy, my throat slightly raspy, and my face a little red.

You know... Maybe, just maybe, I should have listened to Nomi.

"Morning..." Nomi said before pausing mid sentence once he noticed my state.
"Huh, I told you," He added as a small smile grew on his face.

"I know, I know, I just didn't think it would hit this hard," I said.
"Well, your not going to school today," He simply said.
"Ugh, whyyyy,"

"I would think you would be happy to hear you wouldn't have to go to school," He pointed out.
"Yeah but sick days are good only when your not sick," I mumbled.

"...You clearly don't know what sick days are used for," Nomi said.
"How about you stay in bed for today and rest, I'll go try to make something for you," He added before walking out the room to head downstairs to the kitchen.

I just slumped back into my bed as I sulked a bit.
I then remembered Howard and thought I could give him a quick call. I mean, he could also be sick too. I grabbed my phone and rung him up, hoping that maybe I wasn't the only one suffering to a cold.

"Yo, Cunningham, what's up?" He said, his voice sounding absolutely normal. No sign of sickness in his voice.

"Hey man, bad news, I'm sick," I said.
"Ha, weak," Howard joked.
"Not funny," I mumbled.
"Wait, are you not sick?" I added.

"I'm all good. Like I said, immune system of a God!" He laughed.
"Lucky," I sighed.
"So, where's your hubby," He snickered.
"His downstairs right now, he said something about making something for me. His so cute," I gushed.

"Ew, sappy... Wait, does he even know how to cook?" He asked.
"I'm sure he can, his been alive for 800 years," I said.
"But the man don't even eat. Plus, does he even know how to work an oven? Let alone a stove?" Howard explained.
"I'm sure it's fine-,"

Like clockwork, I could hear a loud pop come from downstairs. Making me realize that maybe Howard had a point.

"I-I'll call you back!"
"Go save yo man from himself, Cunningham," Howard joked before hanging up.

I hopped out of bed and ran downstairs, seeing Nomi who looked utterly confused by the situation he had put himself in.

I looked around to see that he had made a bit of a mess. He put the toast on top of the toaster rather then putting them in the slots, the eggs were in the microwave which lead to them exploding, and the instant coffee was scattered around a mug.
I couldn't help but grin from what I was looking at.

"It appears that I do not understand how any of this works," He said.
"Haha, at least you tried though," I laughed.
"Sorry for causing a mess," He mumbled.
"It's alright, at least you didn't burn yourself," I said.

"How about I teach you how to use all this stuff, deal?" I smiled.
"Sure, I'd like that," He said.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed. I'm tired and the only two things that helped me stay up was a discord friend and Still D.R.E by Dr. Dre on blast.

Thank y'all!


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