Hanahaki Disease AU

299 15 13

Request made by: _ThatLameUnicorn_

(Good thing I used Brave to look up the name of this disease cause I know Google would be looking at me all weird and shit like I actually be coughing up flowers lol)

Sophomore year begins and I'm hyped!

Me being the Ninja along with Nomi is exactly why I'm excited!

But there is something that was a bit weird.

Here we were, just chilling in class as we waited for the schooling to begin.
Nomi was casually getting a head start in finishing up the syllabus requirements while me and Howard were playing games on our phones as we tried to pass the time.

The bell rang and we all quickly turned our attention to the front of the classroom, waiting for our teacher to start the same lame old activities to get everyone to know each other but instead something unexpected happened.

The intercom suddenly turned on as we heard principal Slimovitz trying to work the mic.

"Is this working?... Oh, I got it, H-Hello students! This is your principle speaking and I would like sophomores, juniors, and seniors to come down to the gym for a quick assembly! Thank you and please come down in a timely manner!" Principle Slimovitz said.

Everyone in class was hyped to leave class with each of us thinking this would be just a simple fun activity for only the older kids.
Each of us had our own ideas on what would possibly happen.

"Do you think we're gonna hang out at the assembly all day? I hope we do, I'm not in the mood to be sitting in a classroom all day," Howard said.
"Oh! You think we are gonna have sophomores, juniors, and seniors fighting each other for the ultimate title!" I gasped.
"Yes! Sophomores for the WIN!" Howard exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, that's not what this assembly is about," Nomi chimed in, killing the little excitement we had.
"What, whhhy!" Howard groaned.
"It's for something important, they always give this announcement to sophomores and up," Nomi explained.

"What's so important about it?" I asked.
"Just listen to the assembly, that's what it's for after all," Nomi sighed.
"Fine," I mumbled.

It was packed in the gym, the bleachers filled to the brim with students, all sorts of people grouping together in their own section.

The goths sitting under the bleachers to avoid the light, the band kids playing a very poorly practiced song, the jocks at the top of the bleachers tossing randoms things at the low-class students, the nerds already catching up on homework that hadn't even been assigned yet, along with the cheerleaders out on the gym floor stretching and winking at the jocks.

It was organized chaos that had a strange and complicated system that just worked.

Which often means everyone that didn't have a group simply just grabbed whatever seats that were available. This means that me and Howard normally just chilled in the corner as we played video games on our phones.

But since we had Nomi, we weren't sure where to go.

After all, his technically a popular kid so he might have to chill with the jocks and or fuckboys.

"Hey Nomi~," The cheerleaders hummed happily.

Nomi simply ignored them, not even turning to look at them.

Randicon One-Shots (cause I can)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora