First Date Mishaps

114 5 6

Request made by: Sabrina_cinta

(Who doesn't love a story where a first date goes absolutely wrong but then ends with a good ending?! Let the fluff COMMENCE!)

You know, when I was younger, I thought I would be single for the rest of my life. A bachelor not chained down by love; or at least that's what my younger self would say.

I was that dumbass kid that thought love was cringe or whatever the hell my dumb child brain said back then.

But now, that whole opinion changed completely.

Now I'm dating someone. Someone that I didn't expect would like me back in the slightest. Especially not in a romantic sense.

And that person was Nomi, aka the one and only Nomicon.

Yeah, if I were to go back in time and tell my younger self that I was gonna date THE Nomicon, my jaw would drop to the floor.

I still can't wrap my head around it. I mean Nomi chose me out of anyone else. And that alone still confuses me.

Now that I have somehow managed to be his boyfriend; I have to be perfect. I can't be my dumbass self and go do stupid things. I can't just live in the moment and run head first into whatever decision comes my way.

I have to be careful so I don't upset Nomi. Or at least that's what I tell myself to do. I'd rather not risk my relationship with him.

Being the perfect boyfriend is hard, I have no idea where to start to truly make myself the ideal type to date. I'm completely lost.

"Mr. Cunningham! Can you please stop daydreaming and answer the question,"

My thoughts quickly quieted down as I noticed the teacher's frustration on her face, her foot tapping the floor with silent anger.

I guess I was off in my thoughts a bit too long.

"Oh! Sorry... Um... what was the question?" I asked with a nervous smile.

She facepalmed as she let out a sigh, her frustration already at a boiling point.

"Clearly you don't care about this class. Hopefully you'll start taking this seriously," She stated.
"Okay, that's fair," I sighed with defeat.
"Anyway, can anyone else answer the question?" She continued, ignoring me for the rest of the class.

I'm lucky Nomi isn't in this class with me. I know for such that this would make me look stupid.
All I had to do was pay attention yet I couldn't even do that.

The bell abruptly rang with everyone packing up their things quickly, trying get to their next classes as fast they can.
I grabbed my things before heading out, my mood already at a low point.

I need to start paying attention more.

"Cunningham! Wait up, man! You can't just leave me behind!" Howard exclaimed, finally managing to catch up to me.
"Hey, what's up with you? You've been kinda out of it lately," Howard added.

"Ugh sorry, man... I've just been overthinking again. I really need cut that out," I admitted. At this point I just needed to vent a bit.
"Well what's got you overthinking?" He asked.

"...Nomi. I've been making sure that I don't do anything stupid but I can't seem to stop. I guess it's just in my nature," I groaned.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. You just need to show him what your truly made of," He said.
"Whatcha you mean?" I questioned.

"I mean, have you guys ever been on a date?" He asked.
"...Does studying together count?" I mumbled.

"No, I mean a real date. With flowers, dinner, fancy places. That kinda thing," He explained.
"Huh, I guess I didn't think of that," I said.
"Bruh! Come on! This is dating 101! How have you not thought of this already?!" Howard exclaimed.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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