To Boys Who Are In the "Friend Zone"

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You are a girl's best friend

she can go to you for anything.

You’re a nice guy

But don’t be fooled,

She knows you like her.

It may be that you are really just a friend,

and that’s all she sees you as

or luck might be on your side.

She could be blinded

by a crush that she knows

will never happen.

It will be hard to tell which one she is

unless, she has hinted or told you so.

But you’ll never truly know

until you take a chance

and ask her out.

By: Imanni J.

Feb. 16th 2013

A/N: A sorta fun little poem that kinda expressed a little of my stress. Thanks to everyone who has commented on any of my works! I really appreciate it! Have a good day everyone.

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