Chapter 15:The Party

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We are here

Eleanor xx

I got a text back



Leigh xx

We got out the car and walked up to the door

check out her books they are amazing like incredible


We arrived at the house and all the lights were off in the house

maybe they just went out for a little while I thought to myself Eleanor went to open the door

"It's locked any of you guys got a key" Eleanor said

"I do" Emma said

She grabbed the key out of her pocket and opened the door Eleanor and Danielle let me go next then they came in me and Emma went into the living room Emma found the light switch and turned on the light when she did the girls along with other people came out of nowhere and yelled

"SURPIRSE" They yelled

Me and Emma both ran over to the girls

"Thank you" Me and Emma said

"Your welcome" The girls said


"Did he have any drinks yet" Eleanor said

"No we told him her had to wait until you guys came" Perrie said

"Ok good because he yells a lot when he does get drunk" Eleanor said

"Oh" Perrie said

I looked at Emma she was on the couch looking at something so I went over to her

"Hey are you alright" I asked still trying to figure out what she was looking at

"Yah why are you asking not to sound rude" She said turning her head to look at me

"Because I was over there were Perrie and Eleanor were and I saw you daydreaming or looking at someone or something" I said

"Oh I didn't know I was staring at him that long" She said but her eye widened at what she just said

"So you were staring at a boy huh" I said

"No" She lied

"Yah huh you just said it yourself" I said

"Fine you caught me alright" She said

"Who was it that you were staring at" I said

"I don't know his name" She said

"Well can you point to him or explain what he looks like" I said

She was just about to answer but Jade came over

"Come on girls I want you to meet some people" Jade said

"Ok" We both said

We both get up and follow Jade but I whispered in Emma's Ear

"You are going to tell me later"

We continue to follow Jade and we end up in the kitchen

"Girls I would like you to meet 5 Seconds Of Summer" Jade said

Little Mix Adopted Me? *Editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora