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I woke up I grabbed my phone off the charger and checked the time it was 9:00 am why am I up this early anyways I unlocked my phone and went on Twitter and posted


Yay I am so excited today is me and Kathys 18th birthday but sad because I am the only one up. Can't wait to hang out with @DaniellePeazer @EleanorCalder. WAKE UP @Kathy_Pinnock_Nelson_Thirlwall_Edwards @LeighPinnock @JadeThirlwall @PerrieEdwards @JesyNelson I want to say Happy Birthday to the most amazing sister in the world I love you Kathy and I want to thank @LittleMix for taking me and Kathy in I couldn't ask for more better people in the whole I love you guys to

Emma xx

Tweet Posted

I got out of my bed and grabbed my towel and headed to my bathroom turned on the shower I closed the door and connected my phone to my speaker and put my music on shuffle and little mix move came on I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower I washed my hair with shampoo then conditioner I shaved and washed my body then my face I hopped out the shower grabbed my towel wrapped it around my body I walked out of the bathroom and over to my dresser and put on my bra and underwear then walked over to my closet I found my dark blue and white "38" shirt along with black ripped pants I put on my black and white vans I walked over to my vanity and grabbed my snake ring I walked back into the bathroom to put on my make-up I put my Pure BB cream I put on my black mascara and black eyeliner and my pink lip gloss and I grabbed my Vera Wang Be Jeweled perfume I put some on and plugged in my curling iron I grabbed my hairdryer and started to blow dry my purple and blue hair about a minute or 2 my curling iron started beeping I unplugged my hair dryer grabbed my curling iron I start to curl my hair at the bottom after I am done with curling my hair I unplug the curling iron clean up my make-up grab my phone off the speaker and head out to my room to grab my sunglasses walked downstairs into the living room to see Perrie,Jesy,Leigh-Anne,and Jade watching PLL I walked into the kitchen to see Kathy sitting at the table on her phone she had on her grey and white "DON'T" crop-top with black jeans and her grey and white Keds with her Butterfly Dance Bracelet that she got when we went shopping


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA" She yelled back

she got up and hugged me

"Happy birthday girls" The girls said from behind us

"Thank you guys" Me and Kathy said

"Your welcome girls and El and Dani will be here in 30 minutes to pick you girls up" Leighanne said

"Ok but what time will we be back" I asked

"I don't know it is 10:32am right now so probably in about 2 hours or so" Jesy said

30 Minutes Later

I hear a knock at the door it must be El and Dani me and Kathy never met El and Dani I am excited to meet them and to spend some time with them I want to spend time with the girls because without them me and Kathy wouldn't be here going shopping or anything we would be packing up are stuff to leave the ophan home  because we are officially a adult and we should be able to support our self I am just so excit- I get cut off by the knock on the door again I get up and open the door to see El and Dani

"Hi am Eleanor and this is Danielle but call us El and Dani" The one with the long brown hair said

"Hi Eleanor come in" I said opening the door wider so they can come in

They walked in and I closed the door when I hear Leigh-anne say

"Who's he-Oh hi El and Dani" Leigh-anne said coming into the kitchen

Little Mix Adopted Me? *Editing*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt