8 | A Wanted Arrow

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"The Horseman is a title greater than any one man." Ra's said before saying something else is a dialect that even Al Thaelab didn't understand. One of the assassins walked towards Oliver taking off the chains that were on his wrists.

Oliver stood up, "Am I supposed to know what that means?" He asked. Ra's shook his head, "No. it's from a dialect no longer spoken. Said to me by a man whose place I took. Contemplating the same offer. And what it means is: "the tale to be told begins thus."

Oliver looked at him confused as he turned to Al Thaelab who also had a 'I don't know' expression on his face. Ra's began to walk away causing Al Thaelab, Oliver, and Sarab to follow the man.

Ra's led them all to another room where the other assassins were training with one another. It wasn't until one assassin had their blade to another's neck that Ra's screamed for them to stop.

Ra's walked towards the two, he helped the defenseless assassin up while he took the blade and held it against the other assassins neck.

Oliver took a step forward before Al Thaelab stopped him.

"Don't let your footing betray you." Ra's told the assassin that he had helped up. "Let your power climb but from the strength of your attack but from the ground that holds your feet." He said handing her the sword that was directed to her neck.

Ra's turned towards Oliver, "All men seek guidance...a purpose...a means to live without pain. Those who journey here are given such an exchange for their fealty." He said as he walked towards him while the assassins went back to training with one another.

"You mean, they have to kill for you." Oliver stated.

Ra's stopped walking and turned towards him, "No, Mr. Queen, they have to die for me." He said as he led Oliver and Al Thaelab to their dining hall.

Al Thaelab and Oliver sat at opposite sides, Ra's sat at the head of the table and Sarab kept his distance.

"Is this supposed to impress me?" Oliver asked Ra's as a servant brought them all drinks.

"No. To inform you. Surely, men have branded you a murderer...a torturer." Ra's said as Oliver hung his down at that.

"You see, I would never shame you with such bluntness. Because I see it in your eyes. The struggle you have with your dual identity. Oliver Queen and the Arrow. Neither giving you what you crave." Ra's added.

"And becoming your Horseman will?" Oliver asked with doubt.

"Oliver Queen is a man destined to be alone. He loves a woman he knows he cannot have." Al Thaelab said gaining Oliver's attention.

"You don't know me." Oliver told the boy.

"But I know the Arrow. Al Sah-Him will never be anything more than a vigilante for those whose lives you save at the risk of your own. Your city will turn on you. And your closest allies within the police department will call you a criminal. You will be scorned and hunted and then killed. Dying as you began your crusade. Alone." Ra's said as he put a green grape in his mouth and bit into it.

Oliver looked at Ra's with uncertainty in his eyes as he contemplated before turning to Al Thaelab who stared at him with a void expression.


Ra's had brought the two to where a gigantic pit filled with water was, Al Thaelab recognized it as the Lazarus Pit, one of many pits around the globe where if a wounded person enters it, they're miraculously healed.

His master walked towards the pit and stood on top of the many rocks that were around it as he began to speak, "It was Herodotus who first wrote of these waters. And Ponce de León traveled the earth in search of them. And their discover by Al-Khidr is chronicled in the Qur'an. And they have permitted me to live way beyond my time."

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