The Day

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(Imagine her like this but without the half-shaved head)

Its been 5 months since I ended up in this dimension. A lot has happened. I was found by a woman named Dinah Lance (AKA Black Canary). She found me in a state of pure shock on a fire escape in an alley way with cuts all over and a torn up spider suit. Long story short, she helped me get back on my feet and figure out where the hell I am, and after a little convincing I even became her protégé in Star city. She has shown me a lot of tips and tricks. I also found out that this place also has something like the Avengers, except with way more people. 

Anyway. Today is "The Day". All 5 of the protégés of the Justice League are meeting up in Washington DC at "Justice League headquarters" to take the first step into becoming a League member. 

The idea of joining THE Justice League isn't appealing, to me at least. If the other protégés like the idea of being yanked into the spotlight, kudos to them, but it's not quite my cup of tea. I was a part-time Avenger for a reason, someone needs to look out for the little guy.

I wasn't sold on the whole headquarters thing since the start. From past experience, I know that having a public HQ is a terrible idea, that's why we moved after the Tower got smashed. You cannot tell me with a straight face that THE BATMAN would agree to having a base of operations be open to the public. The dude is too smart for that. 

I also may or may have not hacked into the supercomputer back at Canary's base, or the "Nest" as she likes to call it. I got the my ass whooped during training that day and it was somewhat worth it. They apparently have a giant satellite in space called the watch tower, but Dinah swore me to secrecy because I'm technically not supposed to know.  

Dinah and I walk towards the group of heroes and sidekicks that were standing in front of the Hall of Justice. The heroes that had arrived already were Batman and Robin, Aquaman and Aqualad, and Green arrow and Speedy. 

The both of us stand next to Batman and Robin when reach the group. Batman tips his head in respect towards Dinah, "Canary."

 Dinah tips her head back, "Batman." 

They begin to talk about something but attention is pulled away when Robin reaches out his hand for a hand shake, "I've heard of you, it's nice to finally meet you in person."

 I stared at his hand for a moment but reached out and shook it, "Uh yea, ditto." He smiled at my response.

Aqualad takes this time to also introduce himself but Speedy just says his superhero name and lets the communication end at that. He seems happy. Note my sarcasm. 

Out of nowhere I hear a whoosh from behind me, glancing back I see Flash and a frustrated KidFlash, "Aw man, I knew we'd be the last ones here." He looks over to me and speeds over, grabbing my right hand to kiss the back of it. "Hello, beautiful." 

Snatching his hand, I narrow my eyes. "Goodbye moron."

Noticing my frustration Robin grabs the back of KidFlash's cowl and starts to walk towards the hall. "Come on Kid-mouth." I chuckle and follow.


Paparazzi and some fans were taking pictures and asking questions from our left and right as the 10 of us walked up the fenced off path towards the Hall of Justice. Green Arrow leans over Speedy's shoulder from behind him, "Ready to see the inner sanctum?" 

Speedy smiles softly looking back a bit and then looks forward, "Born that way."

Aqualad looks around. "I'm glad we're all here." KidFlash smiles. "Have all 5 sidekicks been in the same place at the same time?-" 

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