Chapter 13

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(A few weeks later + 3rd person POV)

Its been a few weeks and Y/N was sick the first weeks, but she got better after like 2 weeks. Xiao, of course, was worried for his lover. Ganyu and Hu Tao said that Y/N dont really get sick like that, and that made him extra worried. But now, 3 weeks later, Y/N is all good again, she just lavk some sleep.

"Love, dont fall asleep now, were in class." Xiao started poking Y/N's side as she almost fell asleep, "Sorry, im just really tired." She said, sitting up straight, "Class is soon done, we can go to your house and sleep a bit." Xiao said, looking at the teacher.

'Only 3 minutes left, we have a nice teacher today so we might just go in 3 minutes too.' Y/N tought. Not all teachers were as nice as this one. Her name was Ningguang, one of your favorite teachers, not only because she was nice, because she took take of you before you moved in with Hu Tao and Ganyu.

Ningguang and Beidou had taken care of you ever since you were 2 years old. You barely remember anything from your real parents. You're originally from Australia, but your larents 'moved' to Japan/China and then they left you. All alone, and one day, Beidou and Nigguang found you. So you have been living with them ever since then, and before you turned 16 years old, you decided to move in with Hu Tao and Ganyu.

The bell rang. The people in your class stood up, getting ready to leave. You were still sitting there, almost asleep, so you didn't realize the bell rang. "Y/N, get up. If you're tired we can go home sleep." Xiao tried picking you up but it was kinda hard. "Fineeee.." You said, getting up.

You were used to walking with Xiao to and from school, and Xiao was usually at your house after school too. "What do you want to do when we get home?" Xiao had started calling your olace home, he was really comfortable there, and it basically was like his 2nd home. "Sleep." You answered, in a sleepy tone, "How much sleep have you gotten recently?" He looked at you, "Not enough." You said as you rubbed your eye.

You two got home. Youwent straight to your room, without saying anything to Hu Tao and Ganyu. "Heyy you two, where are you going?" Hu Tao Asked, "Sleep." Youanswered bluntly, "You look really tired Y/N," She looked at you worried, "No shit." You sounded kinda mad, maybe it was because you were really tired. "Sorry." You quietly say, while walking into your room.

"You okay, Love?" Xiao asked, sitting beside you, "Yeah, im fine. Just really really tired." You felt like you were gonna cry, you didnt know why, but you just burried your head in his chest. "Can we sleep?" You asked, "Of course." Xiao kissed the top kf your head, as he took the covers over you both.

Short chapter ik ik, but i really have no inspiration- Its currently 23:10 and im waiting for it to be 4:00 so i can update genshin impact lmao- So maybeeeee double post??

Anyways, i hope you're having/had a great day/night or where ever you are, and dont forget to eat, drink and sleep enough! Byee <33

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