Chapter 3

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"Uuuuuuhgg..." Your clock didn't wake you up, you just woke up by yourself, why? Who knows.
"I can get ready for school?" you thought getting up from bed, even tho it was like 6 am you needed to get ready for school and go like 7:15 am since it took like 15 minutes to walk

When you were getting ready you remembered you forgot your hoodie in the living room so you carefully walked out of your room to get it, hoping no one is awake
Well, you needed to go out there even if you weren't gonna get your hoodie.

You saw Xiao coming out of a house nearby as you walked out of yours, Does he live that close?
You didn't really mind, it just meant it wasn't far to walk when you two were gonna study together

"Xiao?" You came half running up to him "Oh Y/N, hi"
"Do you live here?" You looked at the keys xiao held, "Yeah, I live here with my roommate Venti" "Oh, cool, I didn't think we lived this close to each other." "I was kinda surprised too when you brought me to your house yesterday, I didn't think that either"
Xiao looked at your house, seeing Ganyu come out and locking the door, "Ganyu, isn't Hu Tao coming, and why are you up so early?"
Ganyu walked up to you two, "Hu Tao wasn't feeling well, so I said that she could stay home today." She looked up at Xiao and greeted him
"Okay, anyway, I'm going to school. Bye."

Ganyu caught up to you and so did Xiao, tho no one talked, which was kinda-not rare for Ganyu.
You knew Ganyu and Xiao had been 'friends' for a while but they never talked to each other or hung out

When you came to school, you didn't see that many ppl, but you didn't care.
Crowds weren't really your thing, during school plays you would ask to be someone who didn't have that many lines or wasn't seen as much.
But today was a chilly day, when you and Xiao started studying (which was earlier than planned) it was none in the library which was ok. (sorry if this didn't seem right it's just Grammarly that gave me uh, THINGS)

"I think we actually might be done with this in some days," You said while putting back some books you found about some stones "Yeah, I like starting right away with projects and doing them fast so I have more time to rest afterward" Xiao helped you with the books on the highest shelves, even tho he wasn't tall he still could take them

(Time skip to after the last class bcs I can)

You had planned to meet up with Ganyu after school to get some food for Hu Tao since you both know that Hu Tao gets sad when she doesn't get her favorite food when she's sick, so as you walked toward your lockers you saw a bunch of girl surrounding Xiao. He seemed really uncomfortable, you didn't really want to get all the attention but you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable either so...

"Hey, leave him alone, if he doesn't want to talk to you, then he doesn't want to talk to you!" The girls left right away, you not knowing why and just stared at them in confusion.

"Thank.. you..." Xiao said scratching the back of his head, "It was nothing... I saw how uncomfortable you looked so..."
You were actually surprised he said thank you, you didn't expect that and he seems like the type of person who never says that
"Uhh, well I gotta go now. Bye." You said wavering to Xiao as you left him alone, "A.. are you meeting up with Ganyu?" He said loud enough for you to hear, "Yeah, why?" You turned around to look at him, "Could I come?.." "Sure, ig"

"Hey Ganyu."
"Oh Hey Y/N, And hi Xiao!"
"Sooo, MacDonalds?" You asked looking at Ganyu
"It's Hu Tao's favorite food so, yeah sure"
"You want to join?" You turned around to look at Xiao
"Sure, Venti isn't home yet so." He said looking at you
"Alright, let's go then!" Ganyu started walking

(Time skip bcs I cant write this sh-)

"Hu Tao, we're back!" Ganyu opened the door and placed the bags on the floor to lock it after you and Xiao have walked in, "You got MacDonald?" She came into the living room looking around in the bags for her chicken nuggets, "Yeah." You walked over to a bag and took out her chicken nuggets, "Oh hi Xiao!" She grabbed her chicken nuggets and ran into her room again

"Do you wanna play some Minecraft, Xiao?" You walked over to the couch and grabbed the x-box control "Sure"

After a half-hour of playing Minecraft Ganyu surprisingly wanted to join
"Do you know how to play?" You looked over at Ganyu, "I've watched you and Hu play a lot so yeah" She answered with a smile "Alright."

And then, after an hour of playing Hu Tao came out of her room and wanted to join, but then Xiao needed to go, and then it wasn't as fun (Lol Y/N wanna play with her little Xiao)

"I want coffeeeeeeeee" Hu Tao laid her head back as you looked over at her, "Go make some coffee then." You looked back at your phone again, "But I want the kind from Starbuuuuucks!" "Fine, I'll go get some for you, I need to go for a walk too." You stood up and got your hoodie and walked outside locking the door.

It took like 20 minutes to walk to Starbucks, when you walked in you saw Venti cleaning the tables, "Oh hi Y/N!" Venti looked up at you like you were his best friend or something, even tho you two barely know each other, "Hi. Since when did you start working here? It's the first time I've seen you here." You looked over at Venti who was smiling "Oh yeah, I started last week! Anyway, what do you want to order?"

When you got your stuff and walked out you bumped into someone familiar...

THERE THAT WAS 1002 WORDS, THE MOST I'VE DONE UNTIL NOW, but still, it's only a few seconds-


some things/words can be wrong bcs I'm using Grammarly (Bcs my main language isn't English so I need something to help me with lol)

Anyways, idk when I'll be updating it, I need inspiration







Hyacinth Vocals



anyways I hope you enjoyed this, and if there is something you want me to add or do in the story pls tell me! <3

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