Chapter 9

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(I feel like it would be relaxing listening to the rain for this, cause I wrote this while it was raining like hell outside lol)

(Xiao's POV)

"So.. What are... We?" Y/N asked, looking up at me, "What do you want us to be?" I said, then looking down at her, "I asked you first, you have to answer." She laid on her back and closed her eyes, "Then, we're a couple." I said kissing her cheek.

"Can we like... Keep it a secret? At least from Hu Tao and Ganyu..." She sat up and looked at me, "I don't want Hu and Ganyu to know right away," She looked up, "Sure, if we can keep it a secret from Venti too." I said sitting up, wrapping my arms around her, and resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you became my partner for this project, if you hadn't, we would be here right now like this..." She said, smiling a bit, "Yeah, I don't regret talking to you." I moved her hair a bit so I could kiss her cheek again, "I didn't think you were like this." She moved a little bit so she was facing me, "Like what?" I asked, "Well, you're kinda like, flirty? But not flirty.." She said, making me smirk, "Well, do you like it?" I moved a little closer, "I-.. Shut uuup..." I chuckled at her respond

"Make me," I said.
She pushed me down so I was laying on my back and she started kissing me.
"There, you've shut up." She said as she sat up again, "Don't want to continue?" I sat up too, "I've got to go home, Hu Tao and Ganyu will probably get worried if I stay too long." She got off the bed but I stopped her, "Can't you stay over?" I asked, "Fineee." She said getting on the bed again.

(Y/N's pov)

"Wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked Xiao, who was on his phone, "Sure, which one?" he laid down his phone, and pulled you closer, "I wanna try Belle." I said trying to get my bubble tea. "Alright, let's go to the living room?" He got up, and pulled me with him, "But what if Venti comes home?" I asked, "You can't see the couch from the door idiot." He said as he let you go, "Shut up."

(Time skip to when they're gonna sleep)

"Can I sleep on top of you?" I asked looking at Xiao, "Sure I guess." He said, pulling me on top of him.
And there I slept, the whole night, pretty comfortable. I also fell asleep fast, which was good.

(Xiao's POV)

'She's so pretty, just laying here on my chest..' I picked up my phone and went to messages, and I clicked on someone. It said Y/N 'Geez, how did I fall for you so fast... I'm glad I did tho...' I looked down at her, "I hope you never leave me..." I kissed the top of her head, then drifting off to sleep myself.

I woke up to Y/N not laying on my chest anymore, 'Where did she go?' "Y/N?" I said getting up, and going out to the living room. I heard a pling from my room 'Probably my phone..' I walked back into my room to find my phone


Hey, uh sorry that I left, I woke up not so long ago and I remembered I had my things at home, so I went to get those.

But I'm coming back soon.

Oh right, we have school today.
I'll wait for you outside.

love you.

I stopped, thinking about what she said.

I love you too

You actually said it back, wow.


Just didn't think you'd say it back.

Shut up.
I'm already outside btw.

I'm coming.

Yay, first chapter when they're a couple >;)
I feel like both of them would be really dry when texting lol-

Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day/night or wherever you are, make sure to eat, drink and sleep enough!


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