Chapter 4

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When you got your stuff and walked out, you bumped into someone familiar...

"Oh, sorr- Scaramouche?" 
"Y/N, it's been a while."

You had known Scaramouche ever since you were kids, you two were actually kind of close.
But he moved away, you didn't know why, he didn't even tell you that he needed to move away, he just disappeared.
But now, 11 years later, he decided to come back.

"Where have you been?"
You sat down with Scaramouche on a bench close to the shop to talk, "Ei found someone, so she decided to move close to her. And since I was so young she could leave me alone," You've heard that Ei has found someone but you didn't know that that was the reason he moved away (Yes Ei x Yae Miko >:D) 

"But now, she wanted to move back, so I came with her to see you again." He looked down at the ground trying to find something else to talk about since he knew you aren't the type of person to talk so much.
"Well, it's good to see you again Scara. But I must go home now, Hu Tao is probably waiting for her coffee." You stood up grabbing your drinks, "Alright, stay safe."
Scaramouche did the same and walked toward his house

'Maybe he still has the same house he had before he moved..' 
It was pretty late, and you haven't gotten so much sleep lately.
You looked up at the sky, not caring where you walked, which lead you to almost tripping on a crack.

"You should be careful."
You heard a familiar voice but didn't know who it was. You looked over at the person who said that. "Xiao?" You squinted your eyes since it was pretty dark, "Wow, you're so smart" he said sarcastically, "Yes I know thank you." Xiao chuckled at your answer
"What are you doing out so late?" Xiao watched you walk over to him trying not to trip, "Hu Tao wanted some coffee from Starbucks so I said I could go buy her some, and then I meet an old friend. What about you?" You asked him, "I just wanted to go for a walk." He sat down on the ground leaning against the building behind him looking up at the stars, "The stars are really pretty.." You looked up at the stars too, "Sounds like you really like them." Xiao said looking at you.

(Xiao's POV rq)

"Sounds like you really like them." I say as I look down at her,'she's beautiful..'  "Yeah, there is a reason I took the bedroom with the biggest window you know." 
Yeah right, she has that big window in her room, and the wall behind her bed was painted all black with all the different planets on, with a bunch of stars.

"Welp- I gotta go now, Hu is probably dying for her coffee right now. Bye." She stood up beginning to walk over to her house, which was not that far away, without thinking I stopped her. "Hey uhh, could I stay over tonight? I don't really want to go back home..." She looked at me, trying to hide that she was surprised " Okay, I have a spare mattress, or I could sleep on the couch if you want." She started walking again, not bothering to look back, "No it's okay, I can sleep on the mattress." I ran, catching up to her, 'geez, she's actually fast, even tho she's walking'

(Y/N's POV)

"You got my coffee?" Hu Tao asked right after we walked in the door, "Yes I did, and sorry if I took so long." I said handing her the drink "Don't worry- Xiao, why are you here?" She didn't realize he was here until she was gonna give you a hug, which she still did. 
You looked at him, thinking he was gonna answer, but he looked at you with a you tell her look.
"He's sleeping over." You walked over to the kitchen placing down your coffee, walking over to the fridge to get something.

You looked over and Hu tao and Xiao, "Want something to eat?" Xiao comes over to you,  "What do you have?" He said looking around in the fridge, he stood beside you. Hu tao also came over "We have food." She said standing behind you two, "Is there anything you'd like Xiao?" You walked away from the fridge and to the counter, "Uhh, almond tofu?" He said closing the fridge, "Alright, I can make that."

You haven't really made almond tofu before, but surprisingly, it turned out great, Xiao seemed pretty happy about it too.
"I'm gonna go get ready for bed, Xiao, do you wanna sleep on the floor in my room? I'll get a mattress." You walked over to the sink to wash the plate, "Sure." He came over to was it too, and as you turned around you saw Hu Tao smirking at you. 'What's she thinking? That we are gonna do something? what, I don't even know him that well'

 After getting ready for bed, you went to your closet to find some big oversized t-shit you could wear, and then you went to find the mattress Xiao was gonna sleep on.
Your room was actually pretty big, but not really big, perfect size for everything you needed.

(Xiao's POV)

I walked inside her room and looked around 'Her room looks really cool, to be honest..'
"Why didn't you want to go back home again?" I looked over at Y/N, she was all cuddled up in her blankets, "Uh, I live with someone named Venti, and he was bringing a friend home today so I thought it would be a little too much." I laid down on the mattress grabbing the blanket and pulling it over me, "Alright, well uh, sleep well?" She said turning her back to me, "Good night." I smiled turning my back to her too.

Yay, done with a chapter I never thought I would be done with lol, I might still redo this whole book, but with shorter chapters, but idk- 
I kinda enjoy making long chapters, even tho they don't look that long to me-

But I hope you all have an amazing day/night, and don't let anyone ruin it, remember to eat, drink and sleep too!
Bye bye!

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