Chapter 7

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I've already started planning out the confession 😃
I just want it to happen soon- 

(Y/N's POV)

It took some time until Xiao came over, he needed a little help to find which building was mine so I went out to get him.

"It sure is lovely outside tonight.." I said looking up at the stars, "Yeah..." Xiao looked up at the stars too, "I wish it was always this beautiful." I looked over at Xiao, who was already looking at me.
We stood there for a while, just looking at each other. I felt my cheek getting hotter, and then I looked away.

I felt some arms wrap around me, I looked up at them seeing Xiao, "Thank you Y/N... I've had trouble sleeping... When I was sleeping with you... I fell asleep so much faster and, like... everything was so much better.."


That was something I thought I would never hear from him, again, he didn't seem like the guy to say that, he seems like someone who doesn't care about anything, and actually get enough amount of sleep, but it seems like he isn't like that.

(Time skip + 3rd person POV)

Xiao asked Y/N if they could stay outside and just look up at the stars, they went to find some nice place to lay down.
They found a nice place in a park, there were also some swings there so Y/N wanted to go to those first

"I've always enjoyed just relaxing at the swings, it calms me down," Y/N said walking towards a swing and sitting down, "It's the same for me," Xiao sat down beside Y/N 

"Xiao?.." Y/N looked down at Xiao who was laying on the grass beside the swings, "Yeah?" He answered, sitting up, "Why did you want to come over again? I mean, why me?..." Y/N slowly got off the swing and sat down beside Xiao, "Well, you're quite interesting, so I'd like to be your friend, plus, I don't have any other friends." 

(Y/N's POV)

"Well, I'm happy you asked me. I'd, maybe... also like to be your friend.." I said looking away, "Y/N, look at me... and close your eyes," Xiao said rolling on his side, "Why?" I asked him looking at him again, "Do you trust me?" He said again, "Yes, I do." I looked him in the eyes 'His eyes are so pretty' "Okay, then close your eyes." I did as he said, and waited



(Xiao's POV) 

"Okay, then close your eyes." I said, she closed her eyes, 'Should I do it? Fuck it, imma do it.'
I leaned in, closing my eyes and holding my breath. I leaned even more in, our lips touching
I gave her a small kiss on her lips. She reacted quite fast, as I pulled away, I saw that she had opened her eyes.

"Sorry... I didn't think, I'm just so tire-" Y/N cut me off by kissing me. The kiss didn't last long, but just a little longer than the one I gave her.
"I guess we're both tired then." She said pulling away and looking up at the stars again.

We laid there like that for a couple of minutes till we decided to go back.

"Can we sleep like we did... yesterday?..." I asked Y/N while rubbing the back of my head, "Alright."

(This time you guys slept like this 😍)

(But I srly feel like everything is going a little too fast- BUT IDC ;D)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(But I srly feel like everything is going a little too fast- BUT IDC ;D)

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up to Xiao holding me tighter, his head was also snuggled up in the crook of my neck, it felt... Nice, to have someone this close to me.
It was currently 9:32 AM, Hu Tao was probably awake, so I decided to not go out.

I tried turning around so I could look at Xiao, but when I tried he just held me tighter, "Don't move..." Xiao mumbled into your neck, "But I want to face you," you tried to turn around again, this time actually doing it, "Hu is up, I don't know if Ganyu is up tho." I said looking up at him, 'He looks so cute'

"Can we go out today?" Xiao asked looking down at me, "Like hangout?" I asked him, bcuz I doubt that he meant like a date, "Yeah, just to talk and have fun I guess."

We stayed there a little bit before we went out, "I'm going out Hu." Hu Tao walked over to the door where me and Xiao were.
 "When did Xiao get here?" She asked, looking at Xiao, "He came here late." I said walking out the door, "Don't you want any food?" She looked over at me and then Xiao, "No, we decided to go get some food on a cafe or something." Xiao said following you, "Alright, have you two!" Hu tao said.

"So, where'd you wanna go?" I asked Xiao, looking up at him, "There's this cat cafe I've really wanted to go to, so maybe there?" He said taking out his phone to find the cafe, "Alright, lead the way."

(After some walking-)

We arrived at the cat cafe, and since it was pretty early there was not that many people there, but there was a lots of cats.

(The cafe looked like this btw)

We went to find an open spot, kinda away from the other customers

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

We went to find an open spot, kinda away from the other customers.
There were a few cats following us, and when we sat down they sat on our lap, "They're so cute" I said, petting one of them, "Yeah, I like the white ones they remind me of my cat."  Xiao looked over at the cat I was petting, "You have a cat? What's their name?" I said looking up, making eye contact.
"Her name is Mimi," He took out his phone, probably to find a picture of her, "Aw, she's so cute. Is she only yours, or Venti's too?" I looked at the picture he showed me, "It's only mine, you can come over and meet her if you'd like?" 
"Sure," I say as a waiter comes over to us and gives us the menu.


Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and make sure to eat, sleep and drink enough today!
See y'all in the next chapter!<33 (which will probably be today-)

You Love me?Xiao x Reader (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang