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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"Boss, I'll go and take the ordered stuff inside." she said to the boss of the internet cafe. She walked to the door. "Dude, she's leaving. Go after her." Hyunjae said. "Who's leaving?" the boss of the internet cafe suddenly asked us, he had brought over their orders. "Your female worker." Hyunjae said. "Y/n? No she's just getting something. Are you friends of hers?" he asked. "Something like that." Jihoon replied. "Thanks for the food." he continued. His social skills were definitely handy in such moments. "No problem, if you need anything else, feel free to call me." the boss of the internet cafe said and then went back to the counter.

"Thanks to me, you now know her name." Hyunjae said. "I wouldn't say it was necessarily because of you but I'll let you enjoy the credit." Jeongin replied. He was watching the door of the internet cafe. Y/n would walk in with boxes and out empty handed. A male co-worker walked up to her, probably to help. He couldn't hear what they were actually saying. But it seemed like she had declined his help and continued to walk to, what Jeongin assumed to be the storage room.

3 hours later and it seemed like her shift was about to end. Jihoon and Hyunjae were very into their game. They didn't even pay attention to Y/n anymore, mostly because they knew Jeongin would have his eyes on her like a hawk but also because they just wanted to play a game while they were here. Which seemed reasonable to Jeongin, he could totally understand it. Playing games was indeed fun.

Y/n grabbed her bag and waved to her co-workers before heading to the door. "I'll be back." Jeongin said to his friends and stood up. He walked to the door, making sure to not walk into anything. He reached the door as she was just outside. He stood there for a second, watching her walk further away from him. He didn't know what the right way was to approach. He never did something like this before. He slowly followed just so he wouldn't lose her.

Before he could come up with how to approach her, she went into a little corner convenient store. Of course he didn't go inside, because it could creep her out even more if she wasn't already creeped out by him following her. He was standing there, leaning against the lamppost. He was on the left side of the corner.

Y/n walked through the aisles as she looked out the window. She knew someone was following her and she knew where the person was waiting. As she went to checkout. She could clearly see the person. She recognized him. She  paid for her stuff and grabbed to back  heading to the door right after.

"Jeongin?" Jeongin heard someone ask. He looked up and saw Y/n in front of you. "So it is you." she said and smiled at him.



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
red lights - yang jeonginUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum