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Someone blew on a whistle right next to Jeongin's ear. He woke up out of shock. "Dude what the-" "No no, hurry up, we're waiting for you in the living room." Hyunjae interrupted him and went to the living room. Jeongin sat there for a second, making sure he wasn't still dreaming. He also made a mental note to buy a lock for his door cause waking him up by scaring him, happens a little too much.


Jeongin sat down in between his friends who were sitting on the couch with their laptops on their laps. "So you saw her in the club, at the internet cafe and on that big crosswalk, right?" Jihoon asked. "Uh yeah." Jeongin said. He was confused to what they were doing. "So she should life within this radar." he said and showed Jeongin a giant circle above the neighborhood. "That's still a pretty big area." Jeongin said. "The event haa already started, we need to leave asap." Hyunjae suddenly said and got up, rushing to the door.

A few minutes later, they were running on the streets. On their way to the internet cafe where the girl worked. As they stood in front of the stoplight, he couldn't help but look at the red light. It made him think of her, a smile grew on his face without him noticing it. "Someone's excited." Hyunjae said and laughed at his friend.

The light turned green and they continued to rush to the internet cafe. The event had been going on for at least an hour but they didn't know when it would end. They just hoped that she would be there so that Jeongin could see her again and actually talk to her.


He opened the door of the internet cafe and the boys were greeted by a female worker but it wasn't here. They went inside, looking around. It was kind of a cosplay event  but only one girl wasn't cosplaying. ''Is that her?'' Hyunjae asked as he pointed at the girl. Jeongin looked at her. It was there was a movie scene playing in front of him. Her hair was in the wind and the light felt beautifully onto her face. Even though she was just standing there, talking on the phone while writing something down. He definitely had a crush on her and he had fully realized that now. His heart was beating faster for sure.

''Yeah that's her.'' Jeongin replied. ''Then go talk to her.'' Jihoon said. ''No. She's working. I'll talk to her after her shift is done.'' Jeongin said. ''Okay seems reasonable. We'll just have to make sure she doesn't sudeenly leave without us noticing.'' Hyunjae said.

They began playing a game but Jeongin wasn't actually gaming. His eyes would be on the screen for max 30 seconds and then he would shift his gaze towards her, looking at her for a good minute or two. Hyunjae and Jihoon just found it funny how he could suddenly change like that. Before he had met her, he wouldn't take his eyes of the game if he was here in the internet cafe but now it's different. The event went on for another 2 hours before people slowly started to leave since it was indeed lunch time but it was still pretty busy in the internet cafe. The event still continued. It would continue until dinner time. That's when Jeongin would finally get the chance to talk to her. He was looking forward to dinner time, just because of that reason.



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red lights - yang jeonginWhere stories live. Discover now