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Jeongin opened the door, took of his shoes and went straight to the couch. Plopping down onto it with a big sigh leaving is mouth. "Welcome back." Jihoon said. "Is something wrong?" Hyunjae asked. Their eyes were on Jeongin and remained on him until he would reply.

"I saw her again. Twice actually." he replied. "That's good. Did you thank her?" Hyunjae asked. "Did you ask for her name?" Jihoon asked. "Or maybe her number." "She was out of sight before I could talk to her." Jeongin replied with a sad tone of voice.

''If you've seen her around her twice already then you'll probably have another chance to see her.'' Hyunjae said. ''Will she even recognize you?'' Jihoon asked. ''She didn't seem drunk or tipsy so I think so.'' Jeongin replied. ''I also figured out that she works at that one internet cafe we often go to.'' he then said. ''How do you know that? Was she working while you were there?'' Jihoon asked being very curious. ''Probably yeah. I only noticed her when she left, she said bye to her boss and well I recognized her voice.'' Jeongin said. ''You recognized her voice?! That's some next level sh!t. You've spent maybe 3 hours with her and you can already recognize her voice. You've lost control of something, that's for sure.'' Hyunjae said. "I've not lost control of anything." Jeongin replied and stood up from the couch. He walked over to his room without saying anything else and closed the door behind him. "Did I say something wrong?" Hyunjae asked Jihoon. "No. I don't think so." he replied.


He suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. He kept dreaming about that night at the club. He stood up at once and sat down at his desk. He turned his computer screen on and went to Google to searching something. Before actually typing it, he thought about it for some time.

'How do you know you like someone' It wasn't logical to him at all but he was just trying to understand the situation. He read a few things. "Do your thoughts return to them regularly? Yes. Do you feel safe around them? I guess so. Do you get excited when you see them? ..... yes. Does your heart beat faster when you meet/see them? ..... I don't know... If your answer to most of these are positive, it's likely that you have a crush on them." he read. He was confused but not that surprised.

He stood up from his chair and opened his door in a rush, he went to Hyunjae's room. He was still gaming. "Is something wrong?" he asked as he put down his headphones. "I might have a crush on her." Jeongin said. Hyunjae gasped and stood up, ran by him and went to Jihoon. He woke him up. "Dude. He said he has a crush on her. We need to help this man." Hyunjae said as he shook his friend awake. "Okay okay. But let's do that at a normal time but not at 4 am." Jihoon said and turned around, covering himself with the blankets.

"Don't worry Innie, mission: find your girl will start tomorrow." Hyunjae said as he walked his friend back into his room.



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