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Jeongin was in an internet cafe, simply playing a videogames by himself. Hyunjae and Jihoon were working on their school projects.

Suddenly the screen flashed red. "Fvck." he said softly. He saw her face in front of him for a second. His mind went blank for a while. He didn't understand why it kept happening. Whenever he would see something red, he would think of her or even see her face in front of his eyes, replayed from his memory.

He sighed and came back to reality. He focused on his game again. "Hey boss, I'll be going now!" an employee at the internet cafe screamed to the owners, who was at the back. Jeongin froze. That voice. It sounded so familiar to him. He stood up from his seat and looked at the door, it was slowly closing on its own. Without thinking he stood up and walked to the door. He checked outside but the girl he wanted got see wasn't there, she was gone already. He was a bit sad about it. He thought of trying to look for her but then he realized that he was in the part of town where there are a lot of alleyways so it would be difficult to find her.

He walked back to his seat and closed the game. He went onto the website of the cafe to find out if there was any info or events coming up so that he could see her again. There was gonna be an event soon but he wouldn't be able to go. He sighed and ordered some food in hope that he'd forget about her for now.


There he was, in his way home. He was standing in front of the traffic light. It was a red light. No matter how he tried to escape those red bright lights, it was impossible. They would be everywhere and he'd always be reminded of the kind girl.

He turned his gaze to the front, ignoring the red light. When it turned green, he noticed someone on the other side of the crosswalk. It was her. The crowd started to move, taking the girl with it. He stepped forward, trying to get to the girl but the crowd was to big, he couldn't even find her within the crowd anymore. He turned around in the middle of the street. His eyes were desperately searching for her. He was going crazy at this point, it was out of his control. Every time he sees her, he would've lost control immediately. His body would react on its own. Just like how he went after her when she left the internet cafe.

Just then when he was about to give up, he had found her. "Kid, are you alright?" an older man suddenly asked him. He shifted his gaze to the man. "Yes sir. I'm fine." he replied. "You should go cross, it'd be dangerous to keep standing here." the man said and walked away, crossing the remaining part of the street. Jeongin shifted his gaze back to where the girl used to be, but she was gone. His eyes scanned the other side of the street, where he stood a second ago. There was no trace of her left.

He then heard the ticking of the traffic light, letting everyone know that it soon would be changing to the red light. He hurriedly crossed over, just in time. He looked at the opposite side once more before going on his way.



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red lights - yang jeonginWhere stories live. Discover now