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"I'm sorry. For not telling you all of this earlier I really was trying to protect you but I have realised you don't need to be protected you have been a fighter all your life from the moment you were born and I won't lie Izu now that all for one is back he will come for you, one of the reasons he captured me was to take one for all but he couldn't and since you're sixteen he's gonna assume that you are an easy target. I'm scared Izu even though I know how strong you are but now that toshinori is retired too and you are just sixteen and I just don't want to lose you, anyway is there anything you need me answer". Nana held Izuku's hand trying to console him. "I am not mad at you mom. I am sorry you had to go through all that alone, although if you aren't dead yet how come I see you clearly as a vestige." Izuku murmurs "Nana Shimura is long gone, her soul died a long time ago and isn't that what you see in your dreams shadows or souls. I used the last ember of one for all when I was trying to escape the only quirk I have now is mine" Nana calmly responds "Wait so, since you are the seventh user you can teach me your quirk!" Izuku's bright green eyes shine in excitement "I'd really like that izu but I'm afraid that's not possible I'm not your teacher and I'm not good at teaching either that's the only reason I asked Sorahiko, I mean Gran Torino to be a teacher at UA so he can teach toshinori, and I don't think I have any quirk left but don't worry Izu you'll make my quirk yours too. Quirk aren't just abilities or powers they're a part of your soul or your existence and even though all for one stole yours there's still some part of it left, your quirk was taking quirks so even though u might not be able to steal them you can still accept them, I guess that's the reason why you're the one who's able to use the quirks of all the past and maybe it's because of your original one for all gave you a tough time. After all one for all is the complete opposite of all for one and even though all for one's brother might not be aware of it that you're his brother's son but I feel the quirk can sense the presence of all for one and that's why it's resisting, but don't worry Izu you'll be the one to take him down and even though I might not be able to help you as Inko Midoriya, but I'll have your back as Nana Shimura."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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