Izuku's Birth

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Nana takes a breath of relief "He was wrong I'll be the reason the world can be a better I have birth to you...I don't remember much from those 15 years but I remember how you were born, I felt like my life had already ended, as if it was just my body that was surving my soul died I had given up but then all for one invited his own downfall he took my ova he had preserved them since almost 13 years and same for his sperm even though his body was still working I guess his reproductive system stopped. I don't know if they messed or something but they definitely did because you have green hair and green eyes maybe you got it from my side of the family. When you were born I saw those green eyes and green hair and I felt comforted I was glad that you took from my side of the family. I wasn't allowed to be with you the only times you were with in those two years was when I had to feed you or bathe you or put you to sleep, you couldn't fall asleep anywhere else, you were strong, very strong actually, I was done feeding you and the doctor was there to take you away again but you held on to my clothes so tight that they had ti cut that part of my cloth.
When you turned one and you started walking you would sit infront of my room crying, and it broke my heart seeing you like that, eventually they realised that they need me till his quirk manifested because no one else could calm you down.
Usualy quirks manifest when a child is four years old yours manifested when you were two. There were a lot of people supporting all for one, One of them had a quirk like me he could fly you were chasing him and u caught his cape and his quirk got weaker, your quirk was like all for one's but better you could take away quirks by touching anything that is in contact with the person. Doctor garaki found out, he researched on you for two days then it was confirmed that your quirk was like all for one's" A tear rolls down Izuku's cheek "I can't believe I am his son how can I be what if I'm like him what if I'm a villain too" he says. Nana wipes the tear off his cheek and replies in a comforting tone " you're not like him just because you're his son, one for all also originated from all for one but it's the greatest power in the world and the only power strong enough to defeat him, just like you, you also originated from all for one but you're the exact opposite of him Izu. You're a hero, a true hero."

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