Summer vacation

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"Izuku, are you done yet?" Mrs. Midoriya yells as she sets the dinner table "Almost"
Izuku replies wrapping a towel around his waist. She smiles "Hurry, your dinner's getting cold. I made your favourite, Katsudon".
Izuku checks his phone to see how his friends are spending their vacations. He texts urarka
Izuku:-hey, how's your vacation going

Uraraka:- Great!!! I am taking my parents to Tokyo from the money I saved from my work studies....what about you??

Izuku:- That sounds amazing urarka!!
I don't know what I'm gonna do yet...maybe I'll work on my new quirk..blackwhip

Uraraka:- you're a hero to the bone.

Izuku smiles and puts his phone down

"What's taking so long Izuku" his mother nagged "Sorry. I was texting a friend"
"A friend?" his mother inquired "Yeah yeah she's just a friend nothing else she's just my friend" Izuku awkwardly blushed trying to hide his actual feelings.
His mother smiled "I'm just messing with I was thinking if you wanna go to our farm?". "You mean the one in Shimane" Izuku replies with a mouthful of Katsudon "Yes" his mother eagerly looks at him hoping he'll say yes "Of course mom I can practice there as well"

She laughs " Oh Izuku sometimes I miss when u didn't have a quirk".
"I love having a quirk, I mean quirks"
His mother panicked "what do you mean quirks?" Izuku casually answered
"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I have a new quirk now I call it blackwhip" he gets up and uses the blackwhip to clean the table "it's an amazing quirk isn't it "
She startled " Izuku I'm concerned, it's dangerous and how did you get two quirks?". " Maybe because I didn't have any till I was 15 so god is trying to make up for it" he laughs.
His mother who's still concerned supports him anyway "I'm proud of you Izuku"

My Hero Academia: Tale Of The Quirkless Where stories live. Discover now