Dec. 6th: The Nightingale (pt. 1)

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Becca has tried to break up with her abusive boyfriend for almost four years. But instead of parting ways like normal people do when they split, Becca ended up saying 'yes' when he asked her to marry him, for one reason only; The fear of her own and her unborn child's life. She was now his fiancé and also his prisoner. How will she manage to get away from him alive? Will she manage at all?

Or will she need a little help from a random stranger?


It was a late night in November. It was raining, cold, and dark as two cars chased each other at a fatal speed on a deserted, winding road outside of Santa Maria, California. In the first one sat a young woman named Becca Rivers, crying in fear and begging for her and her unborn child's life. In the second was the child's father, furious and vindictive, with one thing in his mind. To stop her from leaving him. If that meant she had to die, it would be a necessary sacrifice to keep his reputation flawless, like it always had been.

His name was Werner Sullivan, and he was one of California's best attorneys, and he'd made one hell of a good job when he made Becca sign the customized prenup he'd made the day she said yes to marry him. She didn't even have to say 'I do'. Thanks to the fact that he'd knocked her up, she'd never walk away from him without major consequences.

She. Couldn't. Leave.

They'd met at a gala right before Christmas five years ago. She was a waitress, and he and his colleagues were swimming in champagne, delicious meals, and luxury. He didn't really pay her much attention until his date left in a fury because he kept flirting with other women. It wasn't his fault she didn't manage to entertain him properly. At least that's what he told himself. And since he was still horny when she left, Becca was an easy catch. He didn't even have to bribe her.

Becca wasn't like that. She didn't own much, but she was strong-minded and self-sufficient, and she had a close relationship with her parents, who supported her through thick and thin. However, Werner saw this as a weakness. According to him, the strong and self-sufficient part was just a stupid illusion since her job as a waitress barely paid her rent, which meant that she still depended on her parents. So, to help her get away from their toxic grip, he offered her to move in with him. And he was kind enough to let her live there for free too, as long as she kept the house flawless and fulfilled his wishes in the bedroom.

This worked fine for a while until she started acting like an ungrateful little bitch and claimed that he tried to isolate her from her friends. He refused to have done this, of course, but he told her straight out time and time again what a terrible influence those illiterate, low-life people had on her, and that she should be thankful that he even bothered looking her way.

Becca was the type of woman who had a natural beauty without having to flaunt it. She looked good on his arm and knew when to shut up and look cute at social events, and she usually did well at keeping dinner ready when he came home at night, too. But after her parents died in a tragic accident, she'd gone into a depression that led him to slap some sense into her. Why be whining about the past when you had all you've ever wanted right in front of you if you just opened your eyes? That's when she told him they didn't share the same values, and he'd knocked some more sense into her. After that, he made sure to never hit her where people could see the bruises.

Tonight was one of those days when Werner was in a foul mood. He'd lost his case in court, argued with his client, got denied by his mistress, and came home to an empty dinner table. And on top of it all, he found Becca lying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket like she was a goddamn child.

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