Dec. 3rd: Red lipstick

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Author's note:

Michael is not famous in this one shot. He's a car salesman and happily married. Although happy...


"What the hell?"

I was cleaning the bathroom when I found it. A long, blonde straw of hair that definitely didn't come from me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had blue eyes and straight, blonde hair that barely reached my shoulders.

"Nope. Definitely not from me."

I quickly finished what I was doing and picked up the hair again. Then I stomped into the living room where my husband was playing games on his computer.

"What's this, Michael?" I asked harshly and held the hair up in front of him. He just looked at it and shrugged, completely uninterested.

"You're doing it again, aren't you?"

That made him groan and sit back in his seat with a dead panned look on his face.

"I'm not cheating, Kim, I promise. I'm done with that."

"Oh, you are? Ever heard of 'once a cheater, always a cheater'? Hm?"

Michael scoffed and took a deep breath to keep calm. We already had this discussion, and every time he claimed I was just looking for a way to throw it in his face.

"It happened once, and you still married me after that. And now we've been married for almost three years, and I haven't even looked at another woman since."

"As you should!" I cut in. "You have..."

"Kim! Please! Not today. I had a bad day at work. I have a headache and I'm trying to relax and think about something else. This is not it. Okay?"

I scowled at him.

"I don't know where it came from. Did you have a friend over? Maybe it was your cousin? She has blonde hair," he suggested, and I rolled my eyes.

"She hasn't been here for months. The only ones who's been here were your friends last weekend. And you know just as well as I do that none of them have long, blonde hair. Plus, I've cleaned the bathroom twice a day since then, and the hair was literally right there on the sink."

Michael sighed and shook his head. Then he turned back to his computer and stared at the screen.

"I don't know what to say. I didn't cheat. The only time I did, I was both drunk and high and I probably thought the woman was you. I'm never doing that mistake again."

I mumbled a small insult but did like he said and left him alone. He really looked tired, but he was handsome like a Greek god. And me? I would totally murder whoever tried to steal him from me.


A couple of days later, I was vacuuming the living room. As usual, I did a deep cleaning and moved the furniture back and forth to get rid of every thinkable particle of dust in case I suddenly became allergic to something. Then at least I knew lack of cleaning wouldn't be the reason for anaphylactic shock. I was just done with the bookshelf when I pushed the couch to the side, and I found a red lipstick on the floor. I did not use red lipstick. It made me look pale and unnatural. So why was it there?

After hours of figuring out how to confront my husband, I placed it on his plate right before dinner. However, his reaction was a bit unexpected. He just picked it up, looked at it, and put it on the table further away. I pursed my lips and felt the anger bubble inside me.

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