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Tw: mentions of harassment from a backstory

As the leaders were in a meeting with other gang leaders, Jihoon had held his drink in his hand before noticing Soonyoung and Seungcheol socializing with other leaders. "Shit." He muttered as he dropped his phone, before he could pick it up, someone else had done it for him. "Here." Jihoon looked up and took his phone.

He thanked the guy before feeling his arm being gently grabbed. "What's your name?" The guy asked letting go of the shorter. "Woozi." Jihoon told the guy before feeling a pair of eyes on them, he looked back and noticed Soonyoung glaring at the guy. "I'm Lee Jun-seo." The guy introduced himself as he smiled.

Jihoon nodded before trying to leave again but Jun-seo didn't let him. "You haven't told me what gang you're in." He told the shorter who resisted on rolled his eyes. "Pinwheel and Seventeen." He mumbled looking at Soonyoung for help who nodded and started walking up to them. "Ah, well I'm in White Shadows." Jun-seo smiled before noticing Soonyoung.

The shorter sighed in relief but felt the Shining Diamond leader wrap an arm around his waist. "Oh, Hoshi correct?" Jun-seo asked making Soonyoung nod as he gave a force smile. "Ah, well I hope my gang and all three of Seventeen's gangs can work together some day." Soonyoung chuckled before nodding and watching as Jun-seo leaving.

"Not happening." He muttered, making Jihoon laugh softly. As all three leaders continued talking to other leaders, Jihoon couldn't help but turn back once in a while only to find Jun-seo staring at him. "He keeps looking at me and I'm not understanding if he's planning something or what..." Seungcheol looked back and noticed how Jun-seo looked away immediately.

Soonyoung rolled his eyes again and held Jihoon closer. "Event finishes in an hour but we can leave now." The older of the three said making the other two nod. As they started leaving, Jihoon bumped into Soonyoung as all three of them were stopped. "I'm sorry I just need to talk to Woozi." Jun-seo smiled making the shorter hold onto his boyfriend's arm.

"Tell him what you need right here." Soonyoung commanded while protecting Jihoon away Jun-seo. The white shadow's leader smirked lightly before looking at the shortest leader, "Alright then...Come join my gang and be mine." Jihoon tensed up and immediately let go of Soonyoung before pushing past everyone and leaving the event.

Soonyoung immediately followed and apologized to others. Seungcheol on the other hand looked at Jun-seo and stared at him. "For a gang that's rarely known, you really do have a big mouth to talk." Jun-seo glared at the other before chuckling and shrugging. "I would watch my back Coups, or you wouldn't want something happen to your husband and unborn child." He said before walking off making Seungcheol scoff and going to find the other two.

Once he did, they all got into the car and drove back to the laboratory. As they got back, Jihoon had went inside and started laughing to himself softly as he went to his desk. "You creep me out when you do that." Wonwoo said making Jihoon jump before smiling a little. "Can you do me a favor?" The shorter asked making the taller shrug as he looked at his new computer that was installed later in the day.

"Search up Lee Jun-seo and his gang white shadows." Wonwoo stopped in his tracks before looking back at the shorter. "D-Did he...uhm..." Jihoon noticed his sudden behavior and walked up to the taller. "Did he look at you throughout the event?" Wonwoo asked finally clearing his head and taking a deep breath. "Yeah..." Wonwoo sighed before typing in the name.

Once Jihoon saw the computer, his demeanor changed now knowing why Wonwoo had panicked a little. "This is the same guy who use to harass Jeonghan..." He mumbled before noticing how Wonwoo had shaking. "Did he do something to you?" Jihoon asked worried for his now best friend as they managed to bond over the year.

"This guy harassed me every time Trauma would try do missions against his gang but then when Cheol stopped taking missions against him, he..." Wonwoo didn't even finished the sentence before the other two leaders had walked in. "Are you alright?" Soonyoung asked as he took off his tie and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt.

Jihoon nodded and walked back to his desk sighing as he took off his shoes. "Cheol did Jun-seo say anything that may leave us clues?" Wonwoo asked his leader but didn't get a response as Seungcheol had walked off. "Yah!" He called out before pouting and looking back at his computer and notes.

As Wonwoo looked over his notes, he noticed a couple of things. The information from the handmade bomb was similar to Jun-seo's information. "What?" He mumbled looking closely before eyes widening and sending the website he had open to his laptop.

Jeonghan groaned as he looked at the weapons before jumping when he heard the door open. "I was looking for you." Seungcheol said stepping into the room. "I was trying to find something for Seungkwan..." The blonde said before looking at his husband more clearly, "Why are you back so early?" Jeonghan asked helping his husband with his tie.

The older sighed as he took off his belt as it was too tight around his hips. "Jun-seo..." Seungcheol muttered as he gently held his husband close to him. "Lee Jun-seo?" The younger asked looking at his husband in the eyes. "Yes, and I'm already pissed off because he's trying to get Jihoon on his side and then said tried threatening me by saying some stupid shit." Jeonghan placed his hands on Seungcheol's neck and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Cheollie, calm down please." He mumbled as he played with his husband's neck. "He's not going to get anywhere near us because I know for a fact that you would never let that happen." The older nodded as he took deep breaths and let them out slowly. "You can't let someone like him get you all rilled up because that's what they want, for you to lose your cool and lash out." Jeonghan told him, gasping as Seungcheol gave him a deep kiss before pulling back.

"God, I love you so much baby." Jeonghan smiled as he then laughed when Seungcheol gave him kisses around his face. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I just need to give Kwannie this pink gun." The older nodded letting go of his husband and lightly smacking his ass with no shame.

Seungkwan grunted as he managed to block one of the trainers from hitting him. "Don't be so tense." The trainer said as he stopped and helped the younger get into the correct position. "Every time you almost get hit, you need to fight back with force." Seungkwan nodded as he gasped when kicked down.

"Minghao said this to one of the trainees yesterday and it was you have to watch your surroundings." The trainer said before seeing Jeonghan enter the room with Vernon. He bowed before walking away from Seungkwan; leaving him on the ground. "You alright?" The older asked as he watched Vernon help him up from the ground.

"Yeah, just feel like an idiot." Jeonghan shook his head before handing the boy a gun. "You actually made it?" Seungkwan asked as he took it and looked at it closely. "Yep, though I didn't know what to do exactly so if you just take off the bottom part then it becomes a knife." The older said as he then handed Vernon a new knife. "Nothing very special about, it's just new since your old one somehow broke." Vernon smiled lightly before dodging Jeonghan's kick.

"I'm sorry I broke it." The younger laughed as he ran from the older one. "Little shit!" Seungkwan laughed as he watched his members fool around with each other.

The day ended with Minghao teaching Seungkwan instead as the trainer decided to leave the laboratory early.

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