15 The Natural Eco System

Start from the beginning

10. Instead, if a market place reports an amount of barcode transactions of a product, then there is demand for that product. Both the outpost and its set of carried products remains in demand. Products and places are rated by demand rather than by risk of transaction.

11. Actually, an institution cannot hope to profit from offering service without contradictorally getting the profits from the consumer.
Issuances to consumers in the for, of wages, etc. return to the industries in exchange for the same goods and services that they produced. Ironic?

12. Organizations, who already have much more profits from the consumer than they need, keep asking the assorted masses for profit in exchange even for basic things like food or shelter.

13. Organizations, then, as a pool of money, or centralized entity, can spend the more money that they have, to protect their already more money. It causes a exponential eco disparagy, where people have little money pay necessarily to corporations who have much more, and corporations can protect their assets much better than ordinary people.

14. when companies, corporations, and countries owe money, this money is recorded as national debt, but if money is used to pay off the debt, then none will have money to spend. But if owers admit that the money they promised never existed, then the debt it reduced, owers don't owe, and everyone keeps their money where it is.

15. Debt forgiveness efforts are valid arguments because it is provable that the money never existed in the first place, that means that it cannot be repaid, demanded, or expected, since it wasn't there to begin with. However, it is not a socially deployable tool because it would be easier for companies to ask for forgiveness of interest owed to the people.

16: The running car example: If i transact x amount for a car,
it it still worth that much if its used?
is it still worth that much if broken?
are its parts still worth that much if they are broken?
How is the car usable if its value goes down upon use,
How is the car valuable if it cannot be used?
Will the functioning car's value ever reach zero, or lower?
How is there even such a thing as a negative volume?

17. Something that is pulling money out of the system is a load on the system. When distributors demand money in exchange for product or service, it acts as an appliance that does that thing. When banks do the same thing, this actually makes them loads on the currency system as well.

18. There is no such thing as market inflation. Just as how when you plug something into a wall, it does not somehow produce more electrons, or get more energy than what came from the wall.

19. Likewise, there is no known battery available anywhere with an infinite load, that can store an unlimited amount of energy, or matter, such as electrons, or produce more energy, or matter, such as electrons.

20. There is also no such thing as negative voltage. In reality, once there are no more of the electrons there to carry the force, the voltage is zero.

21. What we have is an overunity economy, based on overunity principles that do not reflect and are not consistent with physical laws. It cannot therefore accurately mirror or portray the ecological patterns observed in nature.
As a result, we face many disasterous turmoils including mass extinction, and technological stagnation, since our accounting standards are confusing and plain wrong.

22. Early in the reason why the economy was invented was for man to be able to track where money goes, and how much things were worth.
Man would then have a road map of how to establish theyre daily lives for success.

23. Success quickly became just a measure of how much money somebody had, and not having money became punishable by loss of property, starvation, disease, slavery, jail time, and other forms of humiliation in the absence of empathy or dignity. As people with more money were allowed to make more mistakes, working people suffered, while the economy itself thrived. The economy became valued over sentient people.

24. As more modern people, we should understand that money is not consistent with patterns in nature, it is just another flawed man made system, and it is subject to the whims of natural psychology. In nature, resources are not hoarded for commodity means, but an individuals work is the heritage of the entire community. If work is not done, then the government dies. We serve our nature, and our natures serve us. The economy is just another system of measure.

Updates ! I have come up with 2 solutions which can be simultaneously implementable

25 One of them is that instead of market inflation, bills are passed that causes the mint to punctually produce new volumes of money into the economy, adjusting the value of each dollar proportionally.
Bills are passed where a portion of the current money of value is cancelled by a certain value of debt, and the value of each money unit is adjusted accordingly.

26 Not requiring money to exchange for things. There are some creatures that have run societies for millions of years without money.

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