~Chapter 18~

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~Aaliyah's POV ~

"You girls must be so excited, you know when I went to prom back in high school-".

"Ugh mom you've literally said this story a thousand times today", Crystal said rolling her eyes. "Oh come on it's an interesting story you have to admit", the woman said letting out a small laugh.

I was so excited about the dance today but the thought of seeing Alex was clouding my mind. It would be so awkward seeing him there with Dalia. "So I was thinking I'll call Cassie in so you girls could get your make up done"the blonde woman said with a grin.

"Yes and can she do my hair too?", Crystal said squealing with excitement. "Yes she can, what do you think Aaliyah", she said smiling at me. "Well that would be lovely thank you", I said smiling at her. "You don't have to thank me sweetie"she said softly.


"Can you put hairspray on this section?", Crystal said to Cassie more than five times now.

"What shade would you like?", Cassie's assistant, Brittany asked. "Uhm maybe something kinda dark", I said thinking about my dark blue dress. I did my hair myself because I wasn't too sure that Cassie and Brittany knew how to work with my hair type.

"Ugh Asher said he's five minutes away. What's the time", she asked. "Uhm it's 6:15", I replied while Brittany handles the finishing touches to my makeup. "How do you like it?" She asks with a smile. "It looks so nice thank you", I said looking at the mirror in front of me. "You don't have to thank me, besides you look beautiful by the way", she says winking at me. Uhm wow.

"Crystal are you ready?", I yelled waiting for her. Asher already pulled over and was heading to the house. "Hey", I said opening the door for the brown haired boy dressing in a black suit with a golden colored tie. "Hmm someone doesn't look homeless today". "I could say the same about you", he said with a smile. "She's upstairs", I said and he looked flustered.

"Do you have my lip balm?", Crystal said coming down the stairs till her eyes met his. Her cheeks flushed red immediately.

He walked over to her taking her hand in his. He then kissed her. I was sure they made out for like two minutes till I interrupted.

*Unknown POV*

"почему мы должны ждать снаружи", I snapped at my elder brother. What was I five? (why should we wait outside).

"просто подожди", he replied going into the building. ( just wait).

"ты должно быть шутишь", I said looking dumbfounded. (you must be kidding).

"так что ждем", my younger brother said making me laugh. (So we wait).

"это ты я иду", I said getting my guns ready. (That's you i'm going in).

"We're going to go dance", Crystal said clinging on to Asher. "Oh I'm going to go get myself a drink",I said walking over to the table laid with snacks.

This dance was pretty boring and I scanned the room for Alex and he was nowhere to be found. Why was I even waiting for him to arrive?

I stood over at the snack area for some minutes till I my eyes met familiar green ones. "Nathan?", I spoke as he walked towards me. "What are you doing here?", I asked and he just stared at me. "I wanted to see you in that dress", He finally spoke.

"How did you know I was here?", I asked. How could he possibly know I was wearing the dress to a dance. "Let's just say I have my ways", he said with a devilish grin. "Well how did you know my school?", I asked with an uneasy feeling."I have a friend here the rest just clicked", he said.

"Do you wanna get a drink?", he asked opening up a can of soda. "No I just had one", I replied. "Do you wanna dance?", I asked him with a smile. "Yeah sure", he replied with a nod.

We danced for a few minutes till I spotted a familiar dark haired boy. "Wait here?", Nathan said storming out of the hall. I waited for a few minutes. He never came back?

I tried stealing some glances at Alex, but he never looked at me. He looked like he was having a lot of fun dancing with Dalia. "Hey", a familiar voice said making turn around. "Nathan? What are you wearing?", I said looking at the blonde boy dressed in all black. My eyes gazed his body till I spotted a gun in his holster.

"Just turn around and come with me", he said wrapping his hands around my waist. "What are you doing?" I asked but his grip around my waist tightened. "Help!", I screamed. "вот так", he muttered under is breath. I kicked him in the shin but his grip on me barely loosened. (Here we go).

"Liyah!"I heard Alex yell from across the room. I thought Nathan would be on the run but he stood holding me like a psycho.

I looked over at Alex and he looked like he had seen a ghost. His eyes were directly on Nathan. "We meet again?", Nathan spoke. "Let her go you bastard", Alex growled. "You and I know that's not going to happen", he said pulling out a dagger and I winced. "Let her go now!"Alex said taking a step towards us. "Take another step and I'll slash her throat don't piss me off", he said running the dagger through skin on my neck. He circled the dagger in my throat making my breaths heavier.

Suddenly I heard gunshots being fired. Nathan carried me over his shoulder immediately. He fired a gunshot at Alex while sprinting with me on his shoulders. Oh god was Alex okay?

Moments later I was thrown into the back of a black suv. I heard some guys talking in Russian and by the looks on their faces I knew what was going to come next. "Stop looking at me you bastard", I spat at one of the guys who kept staring at me like a freak. He held his gun at me letting out a small laugh before he hit me with it making me fall unconscious.

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