~ Chapter 17~

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~ Aaliyah's POV~

It was a day before the dance, I wasn't really sure how to feel about thinking about everything that happened this past week. I was in kitchen with my mom talking about activities I could do this summer.

"What if I get a job?", I said and my mom sighs. What's so bad about that idea", I asked her meanwhile she just focused on the fruits she was cutting up.

"Well I'm getting a job at this summer camp", I said showing her the site on my laptop. "Why do you want a job", she said looking up at me. "For the experience and money", I said with pleading eyes. "Ugh fine you can apply", she said finally giving in.

"When does it start?",she asks handing me a bowl of fruit. "Uhm it says here on the 13th" . "That's like a week from now", she said looking worried. "Please it's a fun job", I asked again. "Fine but you have to-", she said being interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll get it", I say walking over to the front door. I was shocked when I saw Alex at my front door. I quickly stepped outside closing the door behind me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you". He said looking worried. "Why?", I asked. "You haven't replied any of my texts, are you angry at me", he asks. Why wouldn't I be?

"No I'm not", I said staring into his brown eyes. "Liyah I know you're angry and I'm sorry" he said taking my hand in his. "So why do you still have to go with her!" I half yell, I wasn't angry at him I was just angry at the fact he was still going with her.

"It's not that simple I wish I could tell you more". "You can" I say and he pulls away his hands. "I can't Liyah!", he yells pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Why?". "I have to go", he said leaning over and placing a kiss on my forehead. He then walks away into his car and drove off. What's his problem?

"Who was that?", Mom said with her voice laced with curiosity. "Uhm it was just Darren from down the street"I lied hoping she would believe me. "Oh what did that boy want now", she said with an annoyed look. Mom didn't really like me having any guy friends, it took her a lot of convincing to accept Asher even though I've known him for years.

"He wanted to ask me to the dance", I replied with a nervous smile. "Well what did you tell him?", Mom asked but I knew she expected my reply to be a 'No'. "I told him I couldn't go with him"I said and she let out a sigh of relief. "Good that boy is trouble I don't want you near him", she said.

My ringtone went off and my phone flashed an unknown caller ID. "Uhm mom I'll be in my room", I said taking the bowl of fruit from the kitchen counter. I entered my room shutting the door behind me. The unknown number called again and I picked up.

"Who's this please", I said to the unknown person over the phone. There was pin drop silence till the unknown caller dropped the call. What the heck was that? Maybe it was some stupid prank caller.

*Unknown POV*

"почему мы не можем просто убить их?", I said to my elder brother. He was really starting to get on my nerves. We could kill the cocksucker and this would be all over with.
(why can't we just kill them?).

"это не план брат", my brother said with a wolffish grin. He was getting to soft. ( That's not the plan brother)

"этот ублюдок убил наших родителей!" I yelled. Why weren't we torturing him. (That fucker killed our parents).

"Я знаю, поэтому мы должны взять девушку" My brother assured us. (I know that's why we have to take the girl).

"что такое -". (What's the)

"почему мы берем девушку?", My younger brother interrupted. (Why do we take her?).

"ты тупой ебать ты вообще слушал", I yelled getting really annoyed. ( you stupid fuck were you even listening).

"Aleksei get out now!" My elder brother yells making sigh. "Stupid fuck  I would have captured these bastards", I yelled making him take out his gun from his holster.

"Say that again and I'll put a bullet through your head now leave", He yelled.

I left the room in anger. He always thinks he's better than everyone else. God wait till I get this mission done myself.

"Не делай глупостей", I heard him yell from down the hall.  (Don't do anything stupid).

  (Don't do anything stupid)

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~Alex's POV~

"Well did you try to talk to her?", Jason asked as I walked into the living room. "She fucking hates me", i snapped grabbing the bottle of whiskey. "You can't fix things when you're not sober", he said grabbing the bottle from my grip.

"Look after the dance you'll go talk to her, okay ask her out or something", he said and I burst out laughing. "You really think she'll want to be with someone like me", I said. "Alex can't you just try", he said giving me a pat on the shoulder. "I don't know anymore", I said reaching out for the bottle but Jason takes it out of sight quickly.

"Who are you calling?", I mutter stuffing my face with cake. "Who got this cake anyways?", I asked but the fucker was still on the phone. I threw him a piece of cake and he finally responded, "I'm calling your girlfriend and your mom brought it over". "Girlfriend? You better not call-".

"Hey Aaliyah", he said now putting the phone on speaker. "What the fuck"  I whispered. I really wanted to strangle him right now.

"Uhm who's this", I heard her soft voice say through the phone. "It's Jason, Alex's friend", he said making me slap my palm on my forehead.

"Oh hi", she replied I could tell she felt uneasy by the way she sounded. "Uhm hey I wanted to ask you something?", Jason said making me raise my eyebrows. "Do you hate my friend?" He asked her making me look dumbfounded. Why would he ask her that?

"No I don't", she said letting out a small laugh. "Oh okay because he was really going crazy thinking you did"he said making me take out the gun from my holster.

"cálmate no es como si le dijera nada" he whispered in Spanish . (Calm down it's not like i told her anything ). "Vaffanculo la sicurezza è spenta", I said in Italian since we understood both languages. (Fuck off, the safety is off).

"Fuck i forgot to cut the call", he said and I looked like I had seen a ghost. "Chill she doesn't understand us" he said making me sigh in relief. "Did you end the fucking call cazzo!", I yelled (Fuck). "Yeah I just did calm down", he said. If he wasn't my friend, I'd knock him out cold for this.

~ End of Chapter~

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