Never stop

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A month later

"This next song..." Stevie began, facing the audience. "It's very special to me. I wrote it when I was in doubt, I wasn't sure whether I should commit to something that was uncertain. But I'm glad I didn't give up on my dream and that I didn't give up on you, Lindsey." She turned her mic stand, now speaking to him. "I've dedicated this to just about everyone I know, but I so very rarely dedicate it to you, while it is about you, as many of my songs are. You've shown me what unconditional love is, no matter what, even if we couldn't stand each other, I know that there was a tiny part of you that still cared about me. Thank you for everything that you've done for me, for bringing me with you to Fleetwood Mac, for being a friend when I needed one, for loving me, for our daughter." This was the first time that Stevie addressed it publicly. Rumors were flying around and people were surely talking, but no official word was out until now, that the pair of them had a daughter. "I hope you won't get sick of me any time soon, I like having you around." He laughed at her comment and she smiled finishing her introduction. "This is Landslide and it's for you, Lindsey."

After a highly emotional show, the band all scattered to their dressing rooms. Stevie had just taken off her jewelry, when the door to her room opened, without a knock first and through the mirror she saw Lindsey walking in.

"You almost had me tear up out there." He said, approaching and putting his arms around her from the back. "It was beautiful, thank you."

"I meant it and I mean it, Linds."


"What do you mean?"

"You don't like to get too personal on stage."

"I'm happy." She replied, turning around to face him, placing her palms on his shoulders. "It's official."

"What's off... YOU'RE DIVORCED?!" It suddenly hit him and she laughed, nodding her head.


"I love you so much!" Lindsey hugged her closer, then drew back a little to give her a kiss. "Does this mean we can set a date for when you can become Stephanie Buckingham?"

"Now, slow down..."

"Half a century, Stevie! Your words!"

"Well, do you have a ring?" She challenged, jokingly, but her facial expression turned serious, when she saw his hand search in the inside of his jacket pocket. "You're not actually..."

"Marry me."

"Lindsey, you're insane! I just..."

"Do you love me?"

"More than anything." Stevie nodded, beginning to cry, when she realized he certainly wasn't kidding.

"Then marry me. We have waited for far too long, baby. It's our time, it's finally our time... It's our turn to be together and to be happy. We're done with affairs, we're not betraying anyone, I'm separated, you're separated, there's nothing and no one standing in our way, Steph. Not any more." He opened the small gift box at last, revealing a beautiful engagement ring, with a generous diamond, that she could almost see her own reflection in. Stevie started laughing, making Lindsey frown. "I don't understand that. Is that a yes?"

She nodded, smiling brightly. "It's a yes, of course it's a yes, Lindsey!" She put her hands on his face, bringing him closer for a kiss, as he wrapped her in his embrace, deepening the kiss. She opened her mouth for him without him asking, their tongues meeting in an intimate embrace, like their bodies were.

"You're everything to me, I wouldn't want to live if I didn't have you." Lindsey was still holding her close as he spoke. "You're my world. I wake up, thinking that I'll see your beautiful face and everything is suddenly better. You make everything better. I'm sorry that I made you wait all this time. I'm sorry you had to marry someone else. I'm sorry you had to go through that hell he put you through. I'm sorry for every horrible word I said to you. I'm sorry for hurting you in any way that I have over the years. I'm... I'm sorry for the things I should, but haven't done. It's been you, Steph. It's always been you."

She wasn't quick enough to wipe her tears away as they kept streaming down her cheeks. She kissed him again, with equal passion that his words held for her. "Linds?"


"Will you put that damn ring on already?"

He chuckled at her impatience, nodding. "It's about time, isn't it?" He took her delicate hand in his and slid the gorgeous diamond ring on, then brought her hand up to his lips. "You're the reason I live."

"I love you. I'm sorry, I don't know right now how to top everything you've just told me, I don't think you've ever been more beautiful with your words, but please know, Lindsey, that I love you with all of my heart."

"That's all I ask for. Love me and never stop."

She couldn't control her crying, completely overwhelmed by the emotions, but she put everything into the kiss they shared, letting him know she felt the exact same way as he did.


Thank you for reading, your support is amazing! I hope you weren't left disappointed.

Here For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora