We shouldn't

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Joe surprised even himself, by staying with Stevie the whole night. Most likely he would never admit it, but when Karen called him to inform of what had happened to Stevie, his heart stopped for a moment. They hadn't been on the best of terms for quite some time, but he still cared for her. He married the woman, of course he loved her. Joe realized that divorcing Stevie was almost equivalent to losing her forever, what was so close to being true yesterday. Now that he knew how it felt, did he actually wanted it? Was separating the right decision?

Stevie woke up the next morning after being brought to the hospital. She was instantly having flashbacks of herself in rehab. It took her a minute to figure out where she was and what happened. Her eyes settled on Joe, standing by the window. She frowned, her own husband was the last person she thought she would see.

"I'm alive, you can go now." Stevie said, her voice hoarse.

"Thank God, you're finally awake!" Joe rushed to her side and took a seat. "How are you feeling? Do you want, need anything?"

She tried to move away from him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just worried about you."

"No, you're not. There has to be a reason why you're here? Have you spent the night here?"

"Yeah. I know you think I must be up to something, but really, I got a call and there was no way I was not coming straight here. I know our marriage is crap, but you have to believe when I say I care."

Stevie remained silent for a while, then remembered Joe asking if she needed anything. Her mouth was very dry and she brought herself to look at him at last. "I'd like a glass of water."

"Okay, I'll go find a nurse, she said to tell her once you wake up."

Joe returned to the room shortly with the nurse following him. Once she checked on Stevie, she left again. Stevie tried to get a hold of the glass, her hands so shaky, she almost spilled it.

"Here, let me help you with that." Joe lifted her up higher against the pillows and held the water up to her lips.

"Does Nicole know I'm here?" Stevie asked after quenching her thirst.

"Yes, but I didn't tell her why."

"Thank you." She couldn't have her daughter knowing what a mess she was. Nicole was a theater actress and Stevie was glad that she was currently touring with her troupe. She didn't need to see her mother like this. "Does anyone else know?"

"For example?"

"The band. Rehearsals are starting soon."

"Only if Karen called any of them."

"Oh..." Stevie sounded disappointed and Joe instantly picked up on it, but he tried not to concentrate on it.

"Do you remember how you got here?"

"I don't think I was exactly conscious."

He sighed, deciding to tell the truth. Or at least a little of it. "Lindsey found you."

"So, he knows?" Stevie's heart started racing. Why the hell wasn't he here then?!

"Mhm. He spent some time with you before I arrived and left in a hurry. Something with the wife or kids, I don't know."

"You can go now, really." She changed the subject quickly.

"I'm not leaving, Stevie. How are you going to get home?"

"I'll find a way. I think that's why I have Karen."

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something."

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