You scared me

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"Stevie..." Lindsey breathed out her name, almost questioning if she was real, standing before him.

"Hey." She smiled shyly at him, then he pulled her inside, wrapping his arms around her.

"You scared me. I thought I might never see you again."

"Now, let's not be so dramatic!" Stevie laughed, looking at Lindsey playfully. 

"I've never thought it's possible to miss a person so much."

"I missed you too, Linds."

He drew back, putting his hands on her face. "I know it's been only about a week, but my God, Steph..."

Her eyes filled with tears and she raised on her tiptoes to kiss him. "I promise to never do that again."

"Don't... Please, baby, don't run away again. I was an asshole the last time and I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, Linds. What else could I have expected? I just told you that the girl you thought was the daughter of another man is actually yours... I shouldn't have been waiting for you to start jumping up and down from joy."

"But is it true?"

"I swear to you. It is true. Nicole is your daughter, Lindsey."

He sighed, taking her by the hand and leading the way to the living room. "I saw it, you know... When she was here with Joe, asking about you. She does look a lot like me."

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I kept you two apart for over twenty years."

"What's done is done, Stevie, we can't change the past."

"Do you hate me for it?"

"I could never hate you! When I had the time to think about it, of course... I was angry, I didn't get why you did what you did, but then I realized that you must have had you reasons."

"I can't believe you're so understanding." Stevie began crying as Lindsey embraced and held her like that until the tears subsided.

"I just hope Nicole wants to talk to me eventually, that she doesn't ignore me. It's clear she thinks so highly of Joe..."

To Stevie he seemed so vulnerable, she knew it was hard for Lindsey to admit he was thinking this way. "She does. I think she loves him more than she loves me, but she'll come around. I know her, she just needs time."

"I want to get to know her."

"You will, Linds. I swear, it will all fall in places and you will get to know your daughter. And what about Kristen? Did you two have a fight?"

"No, not really. When you stormed out she kind of... Well, she asked if I messed this up too and then she said she had her things packed and she's leaving. She came back the next day to get everything else she had left behind, told me I'll get to see our kids, so I shouldn't worry and left."

"You don't seem upset."

"Honestly? I'm not." He said, as they were holding onto each other. "Everyone knows I love you, Steph. You're my whole entire world, baby. I'm only counting down days until you and Joe divorce and we can be together."

Stevie cocked her head up, with her eyebrow raised. "You want us to be officially together? Like... a couple?"

"Don't you?"

"Well, yeah..."

"So do I, sweetheart." He smiled, pressing his lips to hers briefly.



"Kiss me again."

Lindsey leaned in, now lingering for a moment. "I missed you so much."

"Make love to me."

"What, here?" He laughed, but she looked deadly serious, nodding. "Seriously?"

"It's been too long." Lindsey stood up and lifted her off the couch, making her squeal. "You'll drop me!"

"No, I won't. You weigh less than a feather."

"Flatterer." Stevie gave him a sweet loving kiss as he was carrying her up to the bedroom.

He pushed the door open with his foot, so he could walk in. He laid her down on the bed and spent a moment simply admiring her. "You're so beautiful."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!" He argued, laying down beside her, bringing his hand up to touch the side of her face. "You're everything I've ever wanted." His lips lightly touched hers at first, until she put her hand on the nape of his neck to deepen the kiss.

He began undressing her, taking his precious time to look at her body. That of course made her feel self-conscious but he did his best to caress and kiss every inch of her to reassure her she was the most beautiful woman to him in every way.

He took off her blouse, then reached behind her to unhook the claps of her bra too. He slid it down her arms and tossed it away on the floor. Starting with her neck, he left kisses all over her upper body, leaving her already aroused. Then his hand dipped inside of her leggings, but not her panties yet, touching her through a layer of clothing, making her whimper.

"I don't want any teasing, Linds... I want you!" She cried, causing him to listen.

He withdrew his hand and undressed himself and her quickly, then lay down between her bent legs. "I love you."

She smiled, taking his face in her hands and bringing him down for a kiss. "Show me."

He pushed himself inside of her slowly, carefully. She closed her eyes, digging her nails into his back, gasping. When she wrapped her legs around him, he started building up a rhythm, slow and steady at first. Once she started moving with him, meeting his thrusts, he began moving quicker and with more strength, making her hold onto him. Years spent together, allowed him to bring her close fast and he felt she needed just that. He kissed and licked the curve of her neck, bringing his hand in between them to fasten her orgasm. Soon, he felt her clench around him and he whispered her words of love, tipping her over completely.

"I love you." She repeated continuously, and he spilled out inside of her in no time as well.

"I love you, too." He finally replied, breathless.

They lay naked together for a long while, until he covered them up at last, spooning her from behind. Tonight was theirs and it was perfect, but both of them feared the next day and the reality that they would have to face.

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