Do you know?

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The plane landed at 2pm in London. Stevie hadn't slept at all throughout the flight, since she had company and she desperately needed to talk to someone. She understood that she was opening a little too much to someone she just met, bet she felt at ease with Harrison, his lovely eyes and handsome face almost asking to go on. He was clearly younger, ten years at least, but he listened and offered her advice, which she was hardly going to take, but it felt nice to just have a talk with someone.

They got off the plane and stopped for a moment to say goodbye. "Shit." Stevie cursed.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She laughed at his expression. "I just remembered that I'm all by myself here. I don't have anyone waiting to pick me up."

"Well, actually... My brother should be arriving any minute if he's not here already. If you like, we can give you a ride to a friend's or a hotel, or..."

"Would you do that?"

"Of course, it's not a problem." Harrison smiled. "Let's go."

"I don't want to bother you. You probably had plans already."

"Hey, I want to help you out. What, you think I'm going to leave you standing here?"

"Thank you. God, I'm so stupid... I was acting on impulse, leaving like that."

"You had to get away for a while. It's okay. Besides, if you need anything else not just a lift, you have my number."

Stevie nodded, following him out to the parking lot. It wasn't everyday she got to make friends with someone out of the industry. Harrison seemed like a real person, unlike so many she knew. And he was a gentleman, something which impressed her greatly, from the way he looked to the way he acted.

"Hello, brother!" Harrison greeted cheerfully, pulling his brother into a hug. "This is Oliver. Oliver, this is..."

"Stevie Nicks." Oliver finished the sentence, puzzled and his mouth slightly agape.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Stevie smiled, holding out her hand.

"Wait, what is going?"

"Told you he was a fan." Harrison said to Stevie and she smiled shyly. "Well, Ms Nicks needs a ride."

"Please!" Oliver hurried to open the back door of his car for her and helped her get in, as she chuckled doing so. "Wow..." He muttered to himself, walking around the car to get in too, while Harrison took the passenger's seat.

"Where to?"

Stevie gave her preference of the hotel and it was where Oliver drove her to. They chatted idly, explaining how Stevie and Harrison met as well, but mostly she let the two brothers speak, while she looked out the window at the city they were passing by.

"When I clear my head, I'd like to thank you, Harrison. What do you say to dinner, tomorrow night?"

"I would be honored."

"Good, shall we meet here then?"

"Yes, sure. How about 7pm?"

"I don't think I'll be up to much, so 7pm works for me."

"See you tomorrow night then."

It might have seemed a little bold, but she initiated a hug and he gladly returned it.

Back in Los Angeles, Joe was enraged. He hadn't slept, eaten, nothing. He was yelling at no one in particular, calling Stevie every name under the sun, smashing things, he was turning into a complete maniac. Nicole was watching him from aside, starting to believe that everything Stevie said was actually true. She had never seen Joe like this before and she was terrified. She also started worrying about Stevie, where she went to, if she was okay and safe. Of course she was still mad and hurt, but she loved her mother and she had only one.

"You have to eat something, dad. You're stressed out as it is and you're only making yourself weaker." Nicole tried, but Joe ignored her. "Dad, please. For me?"

"Stop calling me that! I'm not your father, I think it's been made clear!"

"You are, daddy. You've raised me and I love you." She carefully approached him and put her hand on his shoulder that he shrugged off. "Don't be like this, please."

"Where the fuck is she..." Joe was talking more to himself than asking Nicole a question. "She had to have gone to that bastard!"

"I think that she's not with him. I think we should check with Sharon or Lori, or perhaps Mick. Maybe she's with one of them."

"No, I'm driving to see that asshole!"

"Don't, no. Don't got there." She pleaded, holding onto Joe's hand. "Or I'll go with you. You're so angry, I'm afraid of what might happen!"

"I'm not going to kill him if that's what you're worried about."

"But you can still go to prison for crippling a man." Joe gave in and the two of them got into his car and sped off to see Lindsey.

It was early morning, but Lindsey was sitting in the living room, with a bottle of whiskey for breakfast in his hand, staring at his phone. He knew he hurt Stevie with his words, but he had to call her. It had been five days since she visited him. Over the first two he watched Kristen moving out and the remaining three he spent drinking and preparing himself for that call.

Ringing of the doorbell startled him and Lindsey stumbled over to the hallway to see who had decided to disturb him. "Joe?"

"You don't seem like you've been expected me."

"No, to be honest I haven't." Lindsey lifted his eyes up to see Nicole standing nearby. He sighed, she did look like him. He felt a rush of emotions, but he tried his best to fight them back. "What do you want?"

"To see my wife."

"Home is where you should search for her."

"You fucki..."

Nicole stepped in, pushing Joe aside. "May we come in?"

"Sure." Lindsey shrugged and went back inside, Nicole and Joe followed. 

"My mother is missing. We haven't seen her since yesterday afternoon. We had a fight and I acted out of line and I scared her and she just... left."

"She's not here." Lindsey said matter of factly, while inside he was already sick with worry.

"I think we can tell that. Dad just wanted to make sure."

Dad... At that moment, Lindsey loathed himself. How could he be so stupid? Why would he deny this wonderful, beautiful, smart girl? Why would he hurt Stevie like he did? And now she's gone too!

"I'll let you know if I see her."

"That would be great, thank you." They hadn't even sat down and after that Nicole turned to leave, as Joe was already walking out.

"Do you know?" Lindsey asked suddenly, stopping her. She nodded, without turning around. "Can we talk?"

"Not now."


Judging by the amount of reads, votes and feedback, I don't think you like this story very much. Should I go on?

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