Get out

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Lindsey crossed his arms over his chest, cocking his head back, exhaling deeply. How were their lives still so crazy, completely out of control? They were in their sixties after all. He always imagined that at sixty four, sixty five in a couple of months, she would be crocheting and gardening. He didn't think he would have to be sitting at her side in a hospital, because she almost died from excessive alcohol use. Lindsey thanked God repeatedly that they were meant to see each other today and he got there before it was too late for her.

Now, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, looking at Stevie's thin body. She didn't deserve this. She was the most beautiful, talented woman he had ever laid his eyes on, she had to be loved and cherished. Lindsey knew things weren't going well in her personal life, but he could have never guessed they were so bad. Actually, he had no idea what was going on for sure, but the state he had found her in told him enough.

It had been hours since he called an ambulance and rode to the hospital along with Stevie. Lindsey only received one call from Kristen, the lack of interest she had in his whereabouts amused him. When he was on the road and he didn't answer her calls, she would scream obscenities at him, accusing him of sleeping with every woman in his sight, but now that he was supposed to be spending time with the family and he hadn't been home since morning, she couldn't care less.

Lindsey looked at his watch, it was four in the afternoon and Stevie hadn't woken up once. She must have been completely exhausted, but he was determined to sit in the room with her until she woke up and he wasn't going to be told that the visiting hours were over.

The door suddenly opened, bringing Lindsey out of his thoughts that he had lost himself deeply into. He looked over at who had decided to show up and when the man walked in, Lindsey jumped to his feet, pointing a finger at him.

"Get out."

"Save it."

"You have no right to be here, you asshole!" Lindsey was so angry, but tried to keep his voice down. "It's your fault."

"You don't get to tell me what to do! If we're talking of who shouldn't be here, it's you!"

"Don't start pretending like you care about Stevie. I know you don't, you're to blame she's lying in a hospital bed right now! You were this close to being responsible for her suicide, Joe."

"Jesus Christ, would you ease down on the drama!"

"I won't and I want you to get the fuck out. You've only ever caused heartbreak, Joe Walsh. I will never understand what had to happen for Stevie to agree to marry you."

"It's not your place to be saying these things. You know nothing, Buckingham."

"I know that you've been cheating on her for God only knows how long and with how many women. I know that you decided Stevie wasn't good enough for you anymore and you served her with the divorce papers. I know that she has severe alcohol poisoning and doctors found cocaine in her blood. And it's all because of you!"

"Oh, give me a break! As if the two of you haven't been fucking behind my back."

"Leave. Just... turn around and fucking leave. You've done enough damage."

"You realize that even though Stevie and I are going through divorce, we're still married and I have every right to be here."

"I'm sure you want to stay, so you could keep making people believe you're a wonderful, caring husband and your family falling apart is all because of Stevie."

"I could call security, you know? And they would throw you out, not me." Joe didn't seem fazed by Lindsey's words at all.

"If you still love her at least a little bit, you will leave Joe. Just leave her alone."

"So she wakes up and finds you by her side? No, I don't think so. And I do love her if you must know, and we wouldn't be separating if she wasn't such a whore."

"Do you hear yourself? All you're saying is just words, while Stevie caught you with another woman! There's difference, don't you think?"

"Listen, I don't have to stand here and take this bullshit. You don't know anything that's been going on. You think she's a fucking saint, but she's not. So, will you please get the fuck out already? She's still my wife and I'm going to stay."

A knock on the door stopped both men and a nurse showed up. "Is everything alright? Raised voices can be heard on the other side and this is a hospital. Please, talk outside or one of you has to leave."

"Yes, actually, I was about to go find someone." Joe said, getting the nurse's attention.

"And who are you, Sir?"

"I'm the husband and this man is causing disturbance. My wife should be allowed to rest."

"That is exactly right. Are you a relative?" The woman asked Lindsey. He was going to ask if she honestly had no idea who he was, but kept it to himself, shaking his head.

"A friend."

"Then I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave the room."

Lindsey sighed, taking one last look at Stevie. Then his eyes fixed on Joe, who was smiling in a sly kind of way, while Lindsey was walking out.



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