I wasn't expecting you

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It wasn't shock. What Stevie felt was way beyond that. Never in a million years did she think Lindsey would react how he did. She thought that of course he's going to be hurt, maybe won't speak to her, but she could never imagine him being in such denial. After calming down as best she could or once she had no tears left to cry, Stevie decided to return home. What if Joe was still there? Or maybe he had changed the locks already and she had no place to go to start with? She sighed and took her cellphone that she barely used and called herself a car, giving the address of her home, she hoped.

She paid the driver, tipping generously, and got out, to walk up the driveway. Joe's car was still parked outside. She rummaged through her bag for the keys and went inside, almost bumping into her daughter.


"Nicole?" She furrowed her eyebrows, hugging the tall, slim beauty. "I wasn't expecting you."

"One of our performances got cancelled, so I have a couple of days for myself. Thought I'd visit. Oh, mom I'm so happy!"

"Why are you so happy? Some great news you have to share with me?"

"We can talk about me later. No, dad told me that you decided to try again!"

Stevie's eyes went wide and her heart stopped. No, that was not what they decided at all! "I... umm...."

"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you, baby. I just couldn't contain myself." Joe came out of nowhere and wrapped his arm around Stevie's back, with his other hand turning her face to give her a kiss. "I hope you're not mad at me?"

"No, no of course not." She shook her head, forcing a smile. "Would you please excuse me? I want to change into something more comfortable."

"Sure, then come back down, I want to catch up!" Nicole said excited, moving to stand by Joe's side as Stevie was already making her way upstairs. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, yeah she is. Your mother had a headache in the morning, maybe it hasn't worn out yet."

"Oh." She put her arms around the man she still thought was her father, snuggling closer. "I've missed you, dad!"

"Missed you too, sweetheart." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'll go, see if she's alright."

Joe came into the bedroom and saw Stevie, with her back facing him. She was only in her underwear, clothes she had picked laid out on the bed. She was so lost in her thoughts, Joe's hands on her hips startled her.

"Where were you?"

"Why did you tell Nicole we're back together?" She answered back with a question, feeling somewhat brave.

"Because I thought you hurt me, I'm going to hurt you. If we divorce, you're a free woman. Now, I wouldn't want that, would I?"

"Why does it matter now? You know I've been screwing others while married to you. Who says I will stop now? I can still see Lindsey."

He gripped her tighter, making her close her eyes, tears threatening to escape. "Of course you can. But I know it will never be enough for you. You want him all to yourself and you want to belong to him. That is not something I'm going to let happen."

"How long are you going to make me play this game?"

He didn't reply instantly, kissing along her shoulder, sucking on her neck. They both knew what he was doing and he was marking his territory. He didn't expect her to stop, but at least Lindsey would see this too, which would hopefully give him the idea, Stevie and Joe were getting back on track with their relationship.

"As long as it takes. Until he's had enough of you, so I can leave too, knowing you'll be left all by yourself."

"He doesn't want anything to do with me already, this isn't necessary." She started crying again, the more Joe's touch grew intimate, the more tears fell down her cheeks.

"So, that's where you went. Shouldn't surprise me. I guess, he didn't buy your story then, huh? Good. Don't you dare say a word to Nicole. She's my daughter. Understand?... Do you understand?!"

"Yes." She whispered, thinking, just what she had to have done to deserve this.

"I'll be moving back in over the next few days. We will be sleeping together and you will keep me satisfied. You're shit at everything else, but you know how to ride a dick, I'll give you that." He slapped her behind, backing off. "I love you, honey."

Joe returned downstairs, finding Nicole making tea in the kitchen. "Everything alright?"

"Perfect." He smiled brightly. "Need some help?"

"No, thanks. Just go sit and I'll be right there, hopefully we won't have to wait for too long for mom!"

"Oh, no worries. She was almost dressed, she should be down in a minute."

Stevie joined them shortly, with a fake smile plastered on her face, as she took a seat next to her beloved husband...

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