The Winds of Revenge

Start from the beginning

"A couple of things actually," Anya said with a slightly trembling voice. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't mask her anger and sorrow. "The identity of Loid Forger has died, but my father hasn't."

"That still doesn't make any sense."

"You idiot! She means that her father is a-" Becky started. 

"Spy. He's a spy. From Westalis."

A chilling silence weighed down on the three children. 

"Then you are?" Damian asked. 

"An orphan child that he picked up at the orphanage," Anya said, "I was just a tool for his plan to get close to your father."

"But my father," Damian started.

"Died. I know. That's why he had no further use of the mission and abandoned me and my mother. In the end, even my mother abandoned me though..."

"What-" Becky said in shock, "What happened to her?" 

"She's an assassin from the Garden."

"You mean that Garden?" Damian exclaimed.

"Yeah, both my parents are well known too. Twilight and the Thorn Princess. They are the best of their kind."

"I know both of those names!" Becky exclaimed, "Then in reality they are really badass!" 

"Yeah, but in the end, they are just like the others," Anya's tears started to fall, "Abandoning me when I have no use to them..."

Watching Anya cry, the 2 others exchanged a look. They had to help Anya out somehow... 

"Anya, what about staying here for a while?" Becky said kindly.


"We'll adopt you! Or I can get one of my maids to adopt you, then you can stay with us!" 

"But, is that really okay?" 

"Yeah! And besides, they won't be able to abandon you because we'll pay them above minimum wage."

"Even if I can read their thoughts?"

"Even if you can read- WAIT WHAT???"

"Why am I surprised?" Damian muttered under his breath. 


"Yeah..." Anya said, about to apologize. 

"That's pretty cool," Damian shrugged his shoulders. 

"Really?" Anya said hesitantly. 

"Yeah! That's amazing!" Becky replied enthusiastically, "Although it's a bit embarrassing, at least now I know you're my friend because you like the real me!"

Anya's heart inflated to about 10 times it's size. (Grinch 2.0) She had never heard that about her powers before. Although she never really told anyone about her powers...

"Besides that, if your parents abandoned you, why not get revenge?" Damian suggested. 


"Yeah, some people say that it doesn't help but I think it feels pretty darn good."

"You would know because???" 

Damian smiled sadly. 

"I killed my own father. For everything he'd done in my life." 

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