Three Little Pigs (Reader x Damian)

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This is a request from a anonymous person.

It's going to be fluff and really short and sweet. It's about Damian and Y/n as 3 year olds reading the story The Three Little Pigs. They're twins by the way.

Enjoy <3


In a big bedroom lay 2 small children, one girl and one boy. They sitting shoulder to shoulder while reading a book, their faces so close to the book that they could kiss the paper. The little girl started the story...

"Once upon a time..."

"There were three little pigs..."

"The oldest pig was a lazy bum-"

"Like you Y/n!" Damian said with a laugh.

"No I'm not!" Y/n huffed, crossing her chubby arms together, "I am a perfectly produductive individual."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know, but Mama said I was."

"Mama's always right."

The 2 kids nodded before starting on the story again.

"The middle child was a hungry pig." Damian read. "He would eat whenever he could."

"He must've been reaaaaaally fat!" Y/n giggled, gesturing with her hands.

"Like suuuuper big!" Damian joined in, stretching out his hands until he fell over.

"Uhhh, let me see..." Y/n started to read, "The third pig was a hardworker and always did his chores."

"Just like me!"

"Not like you Dami! Remember the time Mama got mad at you for not cleaning the room."

"That was your mess. I had to clean it. I'm still mad about that," Damian said while snatching away the book. "One day the mother said,"

"You must go out and live on your own. Go build your own house and make a cozy home."

"So the Three Little Pigs set out, to build their house."

"The oldest one made a house on the bottom of the hill. It was made of straw and super fast to make. When it was done he slept inside it."

"What about the weather?" Damian commented, "If it rains it's dead."

"It's a stoooory!" Y/n said, with a sigh, "It's not real."

"So? They should still think abou-"

"Stop being a smarty Dami. It's ruining the story."

"Is not!"

"Is to!"

"Ugh, just give me the book!" Damian said frustrated, "The middle child made a house near an apple tree at the middle of the hill."

"He made it out of sticks he found near the tree and it was done 2 hours after the oldest one."

"The third pig, made a house at the top of the hill. He made it out of bricks and it wasn't done until the morning of the next day."

"The third pig is actually smart!"

"I told you~" Y/n said, "The youngest is always the smartest."

"You're smarter than Demi?" Damian said with a confused look.

"Demi is different."

"Yeah sure..." Damian cleared his throat, "Hmm, One day a big bad wolf came across the hill."

"The big bad wolf went to the house at the foot of the hill and said, come out come out, let me eat you!"

"The oldest pig said, Never!"

"The big bad wolf, huffed and he puffed and he blew the house away!"


"It's a storyyyy!"


"The oldest pig ran to the middle child's house and hid in there."

"Soon the wolf came and said, Come out piggy I know you are in there."

"The pigs said, Never!"

"Then the big bad wolf, huffed and he puffed and blew the house away!"

"Now they ran to the youngest pigs house. When they went inside, they asked the youngest pig, Will this house blow down?"

"Of course not, are they idiots. It's made of bricks. The youngest pig was so much smarter than the other two." Damian crossed his tiny chubby arms in front of his chest.

"I think we can agree on that."

"The big bad wolf, huffed and puffed."

"And blew the house away!"

"Or so he thought."

The two kids giggled at the silliness of the story.

"The house was too sturdy to be moved. Confused, the wolf decided to go through the chimney."

"What is he? Santa?"

"Dunno, Y/n want to continue?"

"Uhhh, He fell down the chimney and straight into a pot of boiling hot water."

"... Wouldn't he have noticed the steam coming out of the chimney?"

"He's a stupid wolf. He wouldn't have noticed."


"Then the pigs closed the lid on him and cooked him up."

"That night they had wolf soup for dinner."

"And there lived,"

"Happily ever after! The end!" the children said in unison. Finally done with the story and completely tired, they lay on the floor their eyes slowly closing shut.


"Yes Dami?"

"If you are ever chased by a big bad wolf I'll save you!" Damian said with a serious look.

"Ok! I'm counting on you!" Y/n said with a wide grin. Then just as they finished their promise, their eyelids became heavy and they fell asleep on the floor. A book in their hands and identical smiles on their faces.

Their innocence we hope will be protected.

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