Memories (Ziall one shot)

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Where should I started this.. What about from the old Niall Horan who was depressing over every single thing and cutting all over his body? Yes, I was a complete mess. I was trying to get over my life more than twice. But that was just how I meet this angel named Zayn. Zayn Malik.

We met at the high school, I was a new kid, mainstream is it? But as cliche as it sounds, I've fallen hard for him since the first time I lied my eyes on him. Everything about him just perfect. His black shiny quiff, toned skin, amazing brown eyes, over-attractive smile, not to mention cheekbones. As I walked toward the seat beside him, that's when I knew I meant to be with him. It was just a sudden instinct, correct instinct I might add.

"Ni?" I heard his beautiful voice as everything came back to me. I was with my lover, lie down on the roof as we star-gazing. The night breeze catched my already cold skin and made me shiver. "Yes, babe?" I answered. I quickly snuggled to his chest and he wrapped me in his arms, I felt the warmth shot through my body. I closed my eyes and back at the old moments.

I introduced myself to him and it seemed like he also interested in me, consider how he react to my every move and every word I spoke. Again, I was right. I didn't even know what's my sexuality until I found him. No, it's not like what you're thinking, I am only gay for him. So I'm not completely gay, or bi, or whatever. I'm just in love with him.

As the time passed by, we went out often, but none of us considered it as a 'date', we were just happy when we're together. I am happy when we're together. It's like all of my sorrow isn't exist. Past, pain,depression and reasons to cut myself are long gone then nothing else's matter but him. Even the term 'date' didn't have to be pronounced. He's just magical.

"Are you even listening?" The angelic bradford accent went through my ear once again and snapped me out, "Huh? What? I'm so sorry, love I didn't catch up" I said, opening my eyes. "well, care to hear what I said?" He asked softly, "Of course" I said as I inhale the scent of the perfume I bought for his birthday.

"I said, do you remember when I found you in the school's toilet? It felt like yesterday" He said, smiling from ear to ear as he watched the stars above. I turned my head and watched it together. Yeah, he found me at the toilet, broke down crying. The past haunted me so bad that I didn't manage to hold tears. I was bullied, hard. Even by my parents, me and my brother was dumped. We lived with my only best bud, Liam -which is the reason why I moved to his school that includes Zayn in there-. He was so kind to let us stay, not to mention his parents. But still, I was a freakin useless prick and I felt like I don't deserve to breath. But then he found me, made me sure everything's just alright. I smiled at the memory, "Yeahh, I am still grateful that I met you" he exhaled in peaceful, "So am I".

The memories kept flooding 'till I found the one where he asked me out at the school's cafeteria. Yes, he asked me. I didn't have guts to do it and I didn't expect it at all. We were at the 11th grade, just took a rest and ate lunch together, when he suddenly stood up and shouted, "Attention please!" and people were stop doing what they're doing. Then he looked at me with that loving eyes.

He kneeled down and held my hand with both of his before he spoke, "Niall James Horan, you are the most perfect human being I've ever met. I'm sure I'd never find anyone like you, ever. You are the only one and I thank God so much for sending you into my life. Since then I felt so free, lucky, right and most of all, happy. You make me happy. I felt a need to protect you. You turned every mistakes into another lesson, you taught me the meaning of love without even speak it. I'm in love with every fibre of you since the start, not just from the most beautiful appearance, but also personality. I'd spent more than 1000 pages books to describe you. So why don't we get to the point? Will you be the one I protect, I love, I spend my whole life with and wear the label as my boyfriend?"  I said yes a thousand time and he quickly got up on his feet and attacked me with a bone-crushing hug. Everyone started to 'Awwwww' at us, as weird as it sounds, this school didn't against gays. He pulled back and touched his lips against mine softly, not rough and rush, it went like in slow motion and it's officially my favorite kiss we've ever done. The others usually went on to make out session. But this is more like the romantic side of our relationship. I love it.

I remember I had tears roll down my cheeks like the shower that are british. That was like the best poem I've ever heard in my entire life yet. "Why are you crying?" Asked Zayn panick. What? Cry? I've been crying? I wiped the tears off my cheeks and giggles, "No Zayn I'm okay, I just remember the day you asked me out in front of so many people" he made the 'o' mouth shape, "Oh, the day when I got a 3 hours lecture from Louis?" I laughed as I remember it. Louis was there and watched us. He's my older brother who was the youngest drama teacher in that school, he was 21. After that moment in the cafeteria, he called Zayn to his office. He has been there 3 hours and I waited at the class. As he went back, he told me he got a very long speech about 'take care of my brother' and 'don't dare to hurt him' conversations. Louis was just being Louis.

"But look at us now" Said Zayn as my vision back to the present. The stars got brighter and much. The breeze blocked by the warmth of Zayn's arms around me. I started to link the stars to make a heart shape as I spoke, "Yeahh, we're 23, still together, having our own house, you got a job, there's so much things that change to the better" he sigh and hugged me tighter, kissed the top of my head and linger there.

"I love you" he murmured on my hair

I closed my eyes and burried my face in his neck, "I love you too"

I heard the window below us opened, "HEY LOVEBIRDS, DINNER'S READY! GET DOWN HERE BEFORE MY FIANCE ARRIVED!" I almost jumped down the roof. Good thing Zayn held me, "Fuck Lou can you even slow down?! I almost fell off" I said groaned. Zayn laughed sexily.

Yep, Louis just got proposed yesterday by his boyfriend, Harry Styles. Didn't know how he met him, but they're surely a perfect couple. "So, do you  come to the 'after propose' dinner?" I crawled to the window, "Of course babe, Liam also in his way to here with his girlfriend"

"Wait!" He called out and I stopped crawling, "What?" he planted a soft kiss on my lips the put on a cheeky smile, "Love ya" then we get inside together.

He's the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

Don't know why I write this, I just have to let out the over load feeling :') And besides, I'm having a HUGE writer blocks for all of my other stories :(( So yeah, this is just another crap to express my Ziall feels <3 :)

~Belinda <3 <3

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