The Chaos will Begin

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Helena's POV

I made it back to the kingdom and saw Christopher's soldiers waiting outside. I entered the Royal Hall where Queen Aster and King Jackson were sitting on the throne. I took a deep breath and approached them. The queen's eyes were full of suspicion towards me while my father was full of concern. The queen turned to Christopher.

"Christopher, what do you want to tell us?" The queen asked Christopher. I glared at the prince.

"Your majesty, my soldiers and I found Stellia in the forest near the Kingdom of Amethyst. She seems to have met a vampire." Christopher reported to the queen. This bastard prince has no shame. The prince only wants the throne, not my sister. I looked at Christopher and faced him.

"How can you be sure that my sister met a vampire? You have no evidence that she was with a vampire." I kept saying to Christopher. Christopher's devilish smile brought my nervousness. He knew that Stellia had a mark on her neck.

"I found a mark on Stellia's neck that has a connection to the vampire. It is better to find her before the vampires get her." Christopher smirked at the queen. I was only holding back my anger because I didn't want to expose the queen.

"Christopher, will you go outside for a while. The three of us will talk first and we'll call you back." The queen said and the prince followed. The queen looked at me evilly and my father was stunned because he knew I was in danger.

Helena, do you know anything about what Christopher is saying?

I gulped when I heard the queen's question. I don't want my sister to get hurt. I looked the queen in the eye and it was obvious that she wanted to punish me. I knelt and bowed my head down. My father tried to stand me up but I was stubborn. I confess to them.

"Yes, my queen. I know something about what Christopher is saying." The queen smiled. She wanted to kill her own daughter. I took a deep breath when I heard the queen's demonic laughter. Sh held my chin and looked at me like I was her pet.

Can you help me find Stellia?

I closed my eyes and thought deeply. I will not harm Stellia. She was destined to rule our kingdom. I smiled and this confused the queen.

"Do you think that I'm going to help you kill my sister? You're wrong!" I scratched the queen on her chest and immediately moved away from her. The queen stood up quickly and was about to attack me when my father stopped her.

"Helena, get out of here. No matter what happens, don't leave Stellia behind." I wanted to help my father but I followed my father's instructions. Before I ran away, I saw and heard my father's last words to the queen.

The Kingdom of Amethyst cannot and will not be yours.

I saw that Queen Aster put her hand into my father's body and the man who raised and loved me died completely. I immediately turned around and fled to the Royal Hall. I was about to leave the kingdom when soldiers blocked my way.

I am not afraid of you!

The soldiers rushed at me and I fought back with my dagger. I got a lot of wounds but it was nothing. Christopher and I faced each other. The demon prince challenges me.

Is that all you can do, Helena? Where is the old Helena I used to know?

Don't challenge me, you son of a devil.

We both fought. I will not defeat this man. Sword against dagger. Wolf against wolf. I felt a vampire surrounding us causing my distraction and I received a wound on my right side of the stomach. When Christopher saw me hit with his sword, he dropped the weapon and beat me. He punched me in the face and in my stomach which brought out more blood. I bent down because of the pain of my wound. Christopher came closer and pointed his sword at me.

You are a waste. You were supposed to be the queen of your kingdom, but you chose your protect your weak sister.

He was about to thrust his sword into me when someone stopped him and I saw Christopher lay down unconsciously.

Are you okay? Let me help you.

When I got up, I saw Liane. She helped me get up and run away from the kingdom. Liane carried me on her back and used her power to quickly get to Stellia and Mykel.

Where are Stellia and my brother? Can you tell me in which direction your safe house is for them to know that the war between wolves and vampires will begin? We need to stop the chaos while we still have time.

Liane is right. We must stop the trouble while there is still time. I showed Liane the way to the safe house and we quickly reached the house.

Stellia's POV

I am worried about my sister. Mykel gave me water to calm me down. I looked at the door when someone knocked from outside.

"I'll open the door. You stay there." Mykel said calmly and went straight to the door. He slowly opened the door, and I saw Liane carrying my wounded sister. Mykel immediately let the two in and helped them, and they gently laid Helena down on the sofa. Mykel cleaned my sister's wounds while Liane applied medicine to Helena's bruises. I couldn't stop crying and she held my hands.

Be strong, and prepare yourselves, Stellia and Liane. Trouble and war will begin between the vampires and the wolves.

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