[9] - Savior

314 16 3

Chris POV

It's been a week already and September is coming to an end. The boys and I have been working hard on finishing our new album so that everything is ready for our performance on the 8th of October, but I can't deny the fact that I'm terrified. Not so much of the crowd or of embarrassing myself, but more so of seeing Max again. I still don't know what's happened to y/n. Ever since the incident I've been visiting our spot everyday and leaving notes there, but every time I go back they're still exactly as I left them. The only signal I've gotten from her is her blocking my number last night. It hurt, but something tells me she was forced to do so. I turn to look at the clock after not being able to calm myself down for hours; '7:57pm'
I decide to put on my beanie and a hoodie and head to our spot once more. If she won't show up today, or leave any notes for me, I'll figure out something else to do. Maybe I'll try and visit them tomorrow, or send someone else over to check out the situation.

Finally I arrive there, and my surroundings seem untouched. Everything is quiet and peaceful, which I hate. I so desperately want to see someone else sitting here. Somebody with the sweetest smile I've ever seen on a person. One specific person. But she's nowhere to be seen. I let myself fall onto the soft and cold grass and stare at the river. I can't help but travel back in time inside my mind, remembering the day I sat here by myself, and all of the sudden a breeze passed me and made me turn to look at a beautiful stranger approaching me. She seemed shy, but I felt the urge to meet her. To get to know her. And then the day we fell asleep while admiring the beautiful night sky. If I had known it would be our last peaceful moment for a while I would've done so much more to truly enjoy it and remember it. Once again, hours and hours pass of me being stuck in my thoughts and alone, when I hear a subtle sound of something stepping through the grass. I quickly turn to see a small family of ducks walk along the river, coming a bit closer to me. The mother duck notices me and quacks at me kindly. I can't help but grin.

"Hey, long time no see, little ones", I whisper to them.

Just before I can feed them some of the sunflower seeds I have left in my bag, they turn around and waddle back the other way, and as I watch them, I notice a silhouette head towards me. My eyes widen and I feel my heart beat through my chest. A person shorter than me, with her hand covering her face and holding her hair back, and a black hoodie on. A hoodie that used to hang in my closet. I jump up automatically and make my way to her, filled with emotions that I can't pin-point. Excitement, confusion, relief. She looks at me with a nervous smile on her face.

"I can explain", I hear her state distressed.

Yet before she can say more, I pull her into an embrace and squeeze her tightly. My body begins to relax, the painful knot that has resided in my stomach for days finally loosens up and my mind clears up. All I can feel and think about is the sensation of her pressed against me. The scent of honey in my nose. I can feel her cling onto the fabric of the hoodie I'm wearing.

"I've missed you", I whisper.

I can feel her gently pushing me off of her and wiping her eyes dry.

"I hate to reject you, but he's after me, Chris."

I look at her, unable to process what she's trying to tell me. Her smile fades and her eyebrows lower in fear.

"I don't know where to go, Chris. He'll find me here."

My body begins to shoot adrenaline through my veins and I quickly look around. We're stuck in a rural area and there's no proper way to hide anywhere. A thought appears in my mind. I don't know if I can risk this but I have no other choice. I have to help her and make up for how badly I messed up. I want to protect her.

"Follow me", I demand impulsively before carefully grabbing a hold of her arm and pulling her along with me.

I try to go as fast as I can without making her trip over her own feet. I know it's harder for her to keep up with my speed, so I have to find a certain balance.

After a very stressful jog and us desperately trying to catch our breaths, we arrive at a bungalow type building. She looks at me confused as I take out a bundle of keys from my pocket.

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