[6] - Natural Sleepover

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Chris and you end up having a BBQ next to the lake you sent momma duck and her ducklings to. There's rarely ever anyone else here, which means you two can truly unwind and won't have to deal with any unwanted social interaction. While Chris is grilling the food, you're taking a bunch of photos and videos.

He notices and laughs softly,
"Are you doing anything with those later?"

You quickly finish taking your current picture and look back at him,
"Of course."

While eating, you explain to Chris that music isn't the only art you're into. You've always been dabbling into painting, writing and photography as well. Maybe not as much as music, but you still really like to do a little bit of everything and end up combining all of it into one project.

"If you're into writing, perhaps you could show some of your stories to Jisung. He really enjoys reading", Chris suggests.

You show him a delighted nod. Chris then proceeds to tell you that he's also interested in photography and editing.

"I try to take at least one photo everyday. Then, at the end of the year, I make my own slideshow", you explain to him.

"Perhaps I can help you edit this year's one, then", Chris says.

It's only September, but the thought of spending the next few months with Chris by your side are making you look forward to that slideshow. You wish you could've spent the entire year together, so that every single photo would be of a memory both of you share. A gentle grin appears on your face as you're looking at the photos you've taken today. Chris notices and swiftly snatches your phone from you. You try to get it back, but unfortunately he's still taller than you are. After a few failed attempts, you sit down, cross your arms and pout. Chris sits back down next to you with a proud smile on his face. The photos of today are of the beautiful lake, the grill, and some sneakily taken pictures of Chris.

"I didn't even notice you taking these", he states impressed.

The next photos are of the last few days, and Chris notices even more pictures that you took of him. As he continues scrolling through the entirety of August, he finds no pictures of Max. Not of you two together or even just him alone. None at all. This confuses him, but he decides not to ask about it. He's still fully convinced that you and Max are just going through a tough time in your relationship. Or perhaps you have those kinds of pictures in a private folder somewhere. At the end of the day, Chris isn't sure if it's any of his business to ask.

"So what do you think?", you ask him shyly.

"Beautiful. Just like the person who took them."

His response makes you blush. You hastily grab your phone from him and look away flustered. All of the sudden, a flash makes you jump.

"Hey! Stop taking pictures of me when I look like this!", you scold him.

Chris laughs playfully,
"Not fair. You've been taking pictures of me despite how chaotic I look in them!"

"You don't look chaotic in any of them. All of the photos I have of you are the prettiest ones I've ever taken."

"And the same goes for you, y/n."

"Stop~", you whine while blocking his phone's camera with your hands.

He chuckles lightheartedly and finally gives in to your wish and puts his phone away.

"I'll send you the photo", he says.

"Do that, I have to go look for the blanket I packed real quick", you state.

While you're gone, Chris sends you the photo and watches your phone screen light up because of his message. Seeing his name pop up on your screen brings a smile to his face, but then something else catches his eye. He notices the difference between the ways you saved his name, and that of Max.

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